Particle Emission
Main interface for creating particles.
The emitter does not track changes in axis or velocity over the course of a single update, so this should be called at a fairly fine grain. The emitter will potentially track the last particle to be created into the next call to this function in order to create a uniformly random time distribution of the particles. If the object to which the emitter is attached is in motion, it should try to ensure that for call (n+1) to this function, start is equal to the end from call (n). This will ensure a uniform spatial distribution.
Internal interface
setupBillboard(Particle * part, Point3F * basePts, const MatrixF & camView, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
setupOriented(Particle * part, const Point3F & camPos, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
setupAligned(const Particle * part, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
setupRibbon(Particle * part, Particle * next, Particle * prev, const Point3F & camPos, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
Updates the bounding box for the particle system.
Private Types
Public Types
Public Static Attributes
Public Attributes
Private Static Attributes
Constant used to calculate particle rotation from spin and age.
Private Attributes
Protected Attributes
Public Functions
By default, a particle renderer will wait for it's owner to delete it.
onNewDataBlock(GameBaseData * dptr, bool reload)
Called when a new datablock is set.
setColors(LinearColorF * colorList)
Sets colors for particles based on color list provided.
setFadeAmount(F32 amt)
setForcedObjBox(Box3F & box)
setSortPriority(S8 priority)
Public Static Functions
setWindVelocity(const Point3F & vel)
Protected Functions
advanceTime(F32 dt)
Advances simulation time for animations.
Called when the object is added to the sim.
prepRenderImage(SceneRenderState * state)
Called when the SceneManager is ready for the registration of render instances.
processTick(const Move * move)
Processes a move event and updates object state once every 32 milliseconds.
updateKeyData(Particle * part)
Detailed Description
Particle Emission
Main interface for creating particles.
The emitter does not track changes in axis or velocity over the course of a single update, so this should be called at a fairly fine grain. The emitter will potentially track the last particle to be created into the next call to this function in order to create a uniformly random time distribution of the particles. If the object to which the emitter is attached is in motion, it should try to ensure that for call (n+1) to this function, start is equal to the end from call (n). This will ensure a uniform spatial distribution.
emitParticles(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, const Point3F & axis, const Point3F & velocity, const U32 numMilliseconds)
emitParticles(const Point3F & point, const bool useLastPosition, const Point3F & axis, const Point3F & velocity, const U32 numMilliseconds)
emitParticles(const Point3F & rCenter, const Point3F & rNormal, const F32 radius, const Point3F & velocity, S32 count)
Internal interface
addParticle(const Point3F & pos, const Point3F & axis, const Point3F & vel, const Point3F & axisx, const U32 age_offset)
Adds a particle.
pos | Initial position of particle |
axis | |
vel | Initial velocity |
axisx |
setupBillboard(Particle * part, Point3F * basePts, const MatrixF & camView, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
setupOriented(Particle * part, const Point3F & camPos, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
setupAligned(const Particle * part, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
setupRibbon(Particle * part, Particle * next, Particle * prev, const Point3F & camPos, const LinearColorF & ambientColor, ParticleVertexType * lVerts)
Updates the bounding box for the particle system.
Private Types
typedef GameBase Parent
Public Types
typedef GFXVertexPCT ParticleVertexType
Public Static Attributes
Point3F mWindVelocity
Public Attributes
bool mDead
Private Static Attributes
const F32 AgedSpinToRadians
Constant used to calculate particle rotation from spin and age.
Private Attributes
LinearColorF colors [ParticleData::PDC_NUM_KEYS]
MatrixF mBBObjToWorld
S32 mCurBuffSize
ParticleEmitterData * mDataBlock
bool mDeleteOnTick
bool mDeleteWhenEmpty
GFXVertexBufferHandle< ParticleVertexType > mVertBuff
F32 sizes [ParticleData::PDC_NUM_KEYS]
Protected Attributes
bool db_temp_clone
F32 fade_amt
bool forced_bbox
S32 mElapsedTimeMS
bool mHasLastPosition
U32 mInternalClock
Point3F mLastPosition
S32 mLifetimeMS
U32 mNextParticleTime
F32 mPhiOld
F32 mThetaOld
S32 n_part_capacity
S32 n_parts
Particle * part_freelist
Particle part_list_head
Vector< Particle * > part_store
Point3F pos_pe
S8 sort_priority
Public Functions
By default, a particle renderer will wait for it's owner to delete it.
When this is turned on, it will delete itself as soon as it's particle count drops to zero.
emitParticlesExt(const MatrixF & xfm, const Point3F & point, const Point3F & velocity, const U32 numMilliseconds)
Reimplemented by: afxParticleEmitter
onNewDataBlock(GameBaseData * dptr, bool reload)
Reimplemented from: GameBase
setColors(LinearColorF * colorList)
Sets colors for particles based on color list provided.
colorList | List of colors |
setFadeAmount(F32 amt)
setForcedObjBox(Box3F & box)
setSizes(F32 * sizeList)
Sets sizes of particles based on sizelist provided.
sizeList | List of sizes |
setSortPriority(S8 priority)
Public Static Functions
setWindVelocity(const Point3F & vel)
Protected Functions
advanceTime(F32 dt)
Reimplemented from: ProcessObject
copyToVB(const Point3F & camPos, const LinearColorF & ambientColor)
Reimplemented from: SceneObject
Reimplemented from: SceneObject
prepRenderImage(SceneRenderState * state)
Reimplemented from: SceneObject
processTick(const Move * move)
Reimplemented from: ProcessObject
sub_particleUpdate(Particle * )
Reimplemented by: afxParticleEmitter
updateKeyData(Particle * part)