Torque network connection.
Structure to track ghost references in packets.
Structure to track ghost-always objects and their ghost indices.
Structure to track packets and what we sent over them.
Ghost manager
GhostConstants { GhostIdBitSize = 18 MaxGhostCount = 1 << GhostIdBitSize GhostLookupTableSize = 1 << GhostIdBitSize GhostIndexBitSize = 4 }
Some configuration values.
GhostStates { GhostAlwaysDone ReadyForNormalGhosts EndGhosting GhostAlwaysStarting SendNextDownloadRequest FileDownloadSizeMessage NumConnectionMessages }
Are we ghosting to someone?
Are we ghosting from someone?
Called by onRemove, to shut down the ghost subsystem.
Called when we're done with normal scoping.
setScopeObject(NetObject * object)
Set the object around which we are currently scoping network traffic.
Get the object around which we are currently scoping network traffic.
objectInScope(NetObject * object)
Add an object to scope.
objectLocalScopeAlways(NetObject * object)
Add an object to scope, marking that it should always be scoped to this connection.
objectLocalClearAlways(NetObject * object)
Mark an object that is being ghosted as not always needing to be scoped.
resolveGhost(S32 id)
Get a NetObject* from a ghost ID (on client side).
Get a NetObject* from a ghost index (on the server side).
getGhostIndex(NetObject * object)
Get the ghost index corresponding to a given NetObject.
ghostPushNonZero(GhostInfo * gi)
ghostPushToZero(GhostInfo * gi)
ghostPushZeroToFree(GhostInfo * gi)
ghostPushFreeToZero(GhostInfo * info)
Stop all ghosting activity and inform the other side about this.
Activate ghosting, once it's enabled.
Are we ghosting?
detachObject(GhostInfo * info)
Begin to stop ghosting an object.
setGhostAlwaysObject(NetObject * object, U32 index)
Mark an object to be always ghosted. Index is the ghost index of the object.
sendConnectionMessage(U32 message, U32 sequence, U32 ghostCount)
Send ghost connection handshake message.
handleConnectionMessage(U32 message, U32 sequence, U32 ghostCount)
Handle message from sendConnectionMessage().
ghostPacketDropped(PacketNotify * notify)
ghostPacketReceived(PacketNotify * notify)
ghostWritePacket(BitStream * bstream, PacketNotify * notify)
ghostReadPacket(BitStream * bstream)
ghostWriteStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)
ghostReadStartBlock(BitStream * stream)
ghostWriteExtra(NetObject * , BitStream * )
ghostReadExtra(NetObject * , BitStream * , bool newGhost)
ghostPreRead(NetObject * , bool newGhost)
Called when 'EndGhosting' message is received from server.
GhostInfo **
Linked list of ghostInfos ghosted by this side of the connection.
Index in mGhostArray of first ghost with 0 update mask.
Index in mGhostArray of first free ghost.
Am I currently ghosting objects?
am I currently scoping objects?
Sequence number describing this ghosting session.
NetObject **
Local ghost for remote object.
Allocated array of ghostInfos. Null if ghostFrom is false.
The object around which we are scoping this connection.
Sends a signal to any object that needs to wait till everything has been ghosted before performing an operation.
Demo Recording
DemoBlockTypes { BlockTypePacket BlockTypeSendPacket NetConnectionBlockTypeCount }
DemoConstants { MaxNumBlockTypes = 16 MaxBlockSize = 0x1000 }
recordBlock(U32 type, U32 size, void * data)
handleRecordedBlock(U32 type, U32 size, void * data)
startDemoRecord(const char * fileName)
replayDemoRecord(const char * fileName)
writeDemoStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)
readDemoStartBlock(BitStream * stream)
Event Manager
NetEventConstants { InvalidSendEventSeq = -1 FirstValidSendEventSeq = 0 }
postNetEvent(NetEvent * event)
Post an event to this connection.
eventPacketDropped(PacketNotify * notify)
eventPacketReceived(PacketNotify * notify)
eventWritePacket(BitStream * bstream, PacketNotify * notify)
eventReadPacket(BitStream * bstream)
eventWriteStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)
eventReadStartBlock(BitStream * stream)
Global Connection List
Next item in list.
Previous item in list.
Head of list.
Last time a packet was sent in milliseconds.
mAddressDigest [4]
If we're doing a "short circuited" connection, this stores a pointer to the other side.
Timeout Management
Connection Table
We store our connections on a hash table so we can quickly find them.
mHashTable [HashTableSize]
Networked string table
mapString(U32 netId, NetStringHandle & string)
checkString(NetStringHandle & string, bool * isOnOtherSide)
getNetSendId(NetStringHandle & string)
confirmStringReceived(NetStringHandle & string, U32 index)
validateSendString(const char * str)
packString(BitStream * stream, const char * str)
unpackString(BitStream * stream, char readBuffer)
packNetStringHandleU(BitStream * stream, NetStringHandle & h)
unpackNetStringHandleU(BitStream * stream)
File transfer
startSendingFile(const char * fileName)
Start sending the specified file over the link.
chunkReceived(U8 * chunkData, U32 chunkLen)
Called when we receive a FileChunkEvent.
Get the next file...
Post the next FileChunkEvent.
Called when we finish downloading file data.
loadNextGhostAlwaysObject(bool hadNewFiles)
This is part of the file transfer logic; basically, we call this every time we finish downloading new files.
Vector< char * >
List of files missing for this connection.
void *
Storage for currently downloading file.
Size of currently downloading file in bytes.
Our position in the currently downloading file in bytes.
Number of files we have downloaded.
Error storage for file transfers.
List of objects to ghost-always.
Public Types
Constants { HashTableSize = 127 }
NetConnectionFlags { ConnectionToServer = BIT(0) ConnectionToClient = BIT(1) LocalClientConnection = BIT(2) NetworkConnection = BIT(3) }
NetConnectionState { NotConnected AwaitingChallengeResponse AwaitingConnectRequest AwaitingConnectResponse Connected }
Private Types
Public Friends
Private Attributes
The NetClassGroup of this connection.
Protected Static Attributes
Protected Attributes
Public Static Attributes
Public Attributes
number of connection messages we've sent.
State of the connection, from NetConnectionState.
Head of packet notify list.
Tail of packet notify list.
Public Functions
checkPacketSend(bool force)
checkTimeout(U32 time)
returns true if the connection timed out
connect(const NetAddress * address)
getAddressDigest(U32 digest)
handleNotify(bool recvd)
handlePacket(BitStream * stream)
handleStartupError(const char * errorString)
Is the connection established?
onConnectionEstablished(bool isInitiator)
onConnectionRejected(const char * reason)
onDisconnect(const char * reason)
processRawPacket(BitStream * stream)
readConnectAccept(BitStream * stream, const char ** errorString)
readConnectRequest(BitStream * stream, const char ** errorString)
sendDisconnectPacket(const char * reason)
sendPacket(BitStream * stream)
setAddressDigest(U32 digest)
setConnectionState(U32 state)
setGhostFrom(bool ghostFrom)
Sets whether ghosts transmit from this side of the connection.
setGhostTo(bool ghostTo)
Sets whether ghosts are allowed from the other side of the connection.
setMissionPathsSent(const bool s)
setNetAddress(const NetAddress * address)
setNetClassGroup(U32 group)
Sets the group of NetClasses this connection traffics in.
setNetworkConnection(bool net)
setProtocolVersion(U32 protocolVersion)
setRemoteConnectionObject(NetConnection * connection)
Call this if the "connection" is local to this app. This short-circuits the protocol layer.
setSendingEvents(bool sending)
Sets whether this side actually sends the events that are posted to it.
setSequence(U32 connectSequence)
setSimulatedNetParams(F32 packetLoss, U32 ping)
setTranslatesStrings(bool xl)
Sets whether this connection is capable of translating strings.
writeConnectAccept(BitStream * stream)
writeConnectRequest(BitStream * stream)
Public Static Functions
String &
lookup(const NetAddress * remoteAddress)
Find a NetConnection, if any, with the specified address.
setLastError(const char * fmt, ... )
Protected Functions
connectionError(const char * errorString)
packetDropped(PacketNotify * note)
packetReceived(PacketNotify * note)
readPacket(BitStream * bstream)
writePacket(BitStream * bstream, PacketNotify * note)
Private Functions
Detailed Description
Torque network connection.
NetConnection is the glue that binds a networked Torque game together. It combines the low-level notify protocol implemented in ConnectionProtocol with a SimGroup to provide a powerful basis for implementing a multiplayer game protocol.
On top of this basis it implements several distinct subsystems:
Event manager, which is responsible for transmitting NetEvents over the wire. It deals with ensuring that the various types of NetEvents are delivered appropriately, and with notifying the event of its delivery status.
Move manager, which is responsible for transferring a Move to the server 32 times a second (on the client) and applying it to the control object (on the server).
Ghost manager, which is responsible for doing scoping calculations (on the server side) and transmitting most-recent ghost information to the client.
File transfer; it is often the case that clients will lack important files when connecting to a server which is running a mod or new map. This subsystem allows the server to transfer such files to the client.
Networked String Table; string data can easily soak up network bandwidth, so for efficiency, we implement a networked string table. We can then notify the connection of strings we will reference often, such as player names, and transmit only a tag, instead of the whole string.
Demo Recording is also implemented in NetConnection. A demo in Torque is a log of the network traffic between client and server; when a NetConnection records a demo, it simply logs this data to a file. When it plays a demo back, it replays the logged data.
The Connection Database is used to keep track of all the NetConnections; it can be iterated over (for instance, to send an event to all active connections), or queried by address.
On Events
The Event Manager is exposed to the outside world via postNetEvent(), which accepts NetEvents.
On Ghosting and Scoping
Ghosting is the most complex, and most powerful, part of Torque's networking capabilities. It allows the information sent to clients to be very precisely matched to what they need, so that no excess bandwidth is wasted. The control object's onCameraScopeQuery() is called, to determine scoping information for the client; then objects which are in scope are then transmitted to the client, prioritized by the results of their getPriority() method.
There is a cap on the maximum number of ghosts; ghost IDs are currently sent via a 12-bit field, ergo, there is a cap of 4096 objects ghosted per client. This can be easily raised; see the GhostConstants enum.
Each object ghosted is assigned a ghost ID; the client is only aware of the ghost ID. This acts to enhance game security, as it becomes difficult to map objects from one connection to another, or to reliably identify objects from ID alone. IDs are also reassigned based on need, making it hard to track objects that have fallen out of scope (as any object which the player shouldn't see would).
resolveGhost() is used on the client side, and resolveObjectFromGhostIndex() on the server side, to turn ghost IDs into object references.
The NetConnection is a SimGroup. On the client side, it contains all the objects which have been ghosted to that client. On the server side, it is empty; it can be used (typically in script) to hold objects related to the connection. For instance, you might place an observation camera in the NetConnnection. In both cases, when the connection is destroyed, so are the contained objects.
Ghost manager
- GhostIdBitSize = 18
- MaxGhostCount = 1 << GhostIdBitSize
- GhostLookupTableSize = 1 << GhostIdBitSize
- GhostIndexBitSize = 4
Some configuration values.
- GhostAlwaysDone
- ReadyForNormalGhosts
- EndGhosting
- GhostAlwaysStarting
- SendNextDownloadRequest
- FileDownloadSizeMessage
- NumConnectionMessages
Are we ghosting to someone?
Are we ghosting from someone?
Called by onRemove, to shut down the ghost subsystem.
Called when we're done with normal scoping.
This gives subclasses a chance to shove things into scope, such as the results of a sensor network calculation, that would otherwise be awkward to add.
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
setScopeObject(NetObject * object)
Set the object around which we are currently scoping network traffic.
Get the object around which we are currently scoping network traffic.
objectInScope(NetObject * object)
Add an object to scope.
objectLocalScopeAlways(NetObject * object)
Add an object to scope, marking that it should always be scoped to this connection.
objectLocalClearAlways(NetObject * object)
Mark an object that is being ghosted as not always needing to be scoped.
This undoes objectLocalScopeAlways(), but doesn't immediately flush it from scope.
Instead, the standard scoping mechanisms will clear it from scope when it is appropos to do so.
resolveGhost(S32 id)
Get a NetObject* from a ghost ID (on client side).
resolveObjectFromGhostIndex(S32 id)
Get a NetObject* from a ghost index (on the server side).
getGhostIndex(NetObject * object)
Get the ghost index corresponding to a given NetObject.
This is only meaningful on the server side.
ghostPushNonZero(GhostInfo * gi)
Move a GhostInfo into the nonzero portion of the list (so that we know to update it).
ghostPushToZero(GhostInfo * gi)
Move a GhostInfo into the zero portion of the list (so that we know not to update it).
ghostPushZeroToFree(GhostInfo * gi)
Move a GhostInfo from the zero portion of the list to the free portion.
ghostPushFreeToZero(GhostInfo * info)
Move a GhostInfo from the free portion of the list to the zero portion.
Stop all ghosting activity and inform the other side about this.
Turns off ghosting.
Activate ghosting, once it's enabled.
Are we ghosting?
detachObject(GhostInfo * info)
Begin to stop ghosting an object.
setGhostAlwaysObject(NetObject * object, U32 index)
Mark an object to be always ghosted. Index is the ghost index of the object.
sendConnectionMessage(U32 message, U32 sequence, U32 ghostCount)
Send ghost connection handshake message.
As part of the ghost connection process, extensive hand-shaking must be performed.
This is done by passing ConnectionMessageEvents; this is a helper function to more effectively perform this task. Messages are dealt with by handleConnectionMessage().
message | One of GhostStates |
sequence | A sequence number, if any. |
ghostCount | A count of ghosts relating to this message. |
handleConnectionMessage(U32 message, U32 sequence, U32 ghostCount)
Handle message from sendConnectionMessage().
This is called to handle messages sent via sendConnectionMessage.
message | One of GhostStates |
sequence | A sequence number, if any. |
ghostCount | A count of ghosts relating to this message. |
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
ghostPacketDropped(PacketNotify * notify)
ghostPacketReceived(PacketNotify * notify)
ghostWritePacket(BitStream * bstream, PacketNotify * notify)
ghostReadPacket(BitStream * bstream)
freeGhostInfo(GhostInfo * )
ghostWriteStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)
ghostReadStartBlock(BitStream * stream)
ghostWriteExtra(NetObject * , BitStream * )
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
ghostReadExtra(NetObject * , BitStream * , bool newGhost)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
ghostPreRead(NetObject * , bool newGhost)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Called when 'EndGhosting' message is received from server.
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
GhostInfo ** mGhostArray
Linked list of ghostInfos ghosted by this side of the connection.
U32 mGhostZeroUpdateIndex
Index in mGhostArray of first ghost with 0 update mask.
U32 mGhostFreeIndex
Index in mGhostArray of first free ghost.
U32 mGhostsActive
bool mGhosting
Am I currently ghosting objects?
Track actve ghosts on client side
bool mScoping
am I currently scoping objects?
U32 mGhostingSequence
Sequence number describing this ghosting session.
NetObject ** mLocalGhosts
Local ghost for remote object.
mLocalGhosts pointer is NULL if mGhostTo is false
GhostInfo * mGhostRefs
Allocated array of ghostInfos. Null if ghostFrom is false.
GhostInfo ** mGhostLookupTable
Table indexed by object id to GhostInfo. Null if ghostFrom is false.
SimObjectPtr< NetObject > mScopeObject
The object around which we are scoping this connection.
This is usually the player object, or a related object, like a vehicle that the player is driving.
Signal< void()> smGhostAlwaysDone
Sends a signal to any object that needs to wait till everything has been ghosted before performing an operation.
Demo Recording
- BlockTypePacket
- BlockTypeSendPacket
- NetConnectionBlockTypeCount
- MaxNumBlockTypes = 16
- MaxBlockSize = 0x1000
recordBlock(U32 type, U32 size, void * data)
handleRecordedBlock(U32 type, U32 size, void * data)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
startDemoRecord(const char * fileName)
replayDemoRecord(const char * fileName)
writeDemoStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
readDemoStartBlock(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Stream * mDemoWriteStream
Stream * mDemoReadStream
U32 mDemoNextBlockType
U32 mDemoNextBlockSize
U32 mDemoWriteStartTime
U32 mDemoReadStartTime
U32 mDemoLastWriteTime
U32 mDemoRealStartTime
Event Manager
- InvalidSendEventSeq = -1
- FirstValidSendEventSeq = 0
postNetEvent(NetEvent * event)
Post an event to this connection.
eventPacketDropped(PacketNotify * notify)
eventPacketReceived(PacketNotify * notify)
eventWritePacket(BitStream * bstream, PacketNotify * notify)
eventReadPacket(BitStream * bstream)
eventWriteStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)
eventReadStartBlock(BitStream * stream)
NetEventNote * mSendEventQueueHead
NetEventNote * mSendEventQueueTail
NetEventNote * mUnorderedSendEventQueueHead
NetEventNote * mUnorderedSendEventQueueTail
NetEventNote * mWaitSeqEvents
NetEventNote * mNotifyEventList
bool mSendingEvents
S32 mNextSendEventSeq
S32 mNextRecvEventSeq
S32 mLastAckedEventSeq
FreeListChunker< NetEventNote > mEventNoteChunker
Global Connection List
NetConnection * mNextConnection
Next item in list.
NetConnection * mPrevConnection
Previous item in list.
NetConnection * mConnectionList
Head of list.
U32 mLastUpdateTime
Last time a packet was sent in milliseconds.
F32 mRoundTripTime
F32 mPacketLoss
U32 mSimulatedPing
F32 mSimulatedPacketLoss
U32 mProtocolVersion
U32 mSendDelayCredit
U32 mConnectSequence
U32 mAddressDigest [4]
bool mEstablished
bool mMissionPathsSent
NetRate mCurRate
NetRate mMaxRate
SimObjectPtr< NetConnection > mRemoteConnection
If we're doing a "short circuited" connection, this stores a pointer to the other side.
NetAddress mNetAddress
Timeout Management
U32 mPingSendCount
U32 mPingRetryCount
U32 mLastPingSendTime
Connection Table
We store our connections on a hash table so we can quickly find them.
NetConnection * mNextTableHash
NetConnection * mHashTable [HashTableSize]
Networked string table
mapString(U32 netId, NetStringHandle & string)
checkString(NetStringHandle & string, bool * isOnOtherSide)
getNetSendId(NetStringHandle & string)
confirmStringReceived(NetStringHandle & string, U32 index)
translateRemoteStringId(U32 id)
validateSendString(const char * str)
packString(BitStream * stream, const char * str)
unpackString(BitStream * stream, char readBuffer)
packNetStringHandleU(BitStream * stream, NetStringHandle & h)
unpackNetStringHandleU(BitStream * stream)
bool mTranslateStrings
ConnectionStringTable * mStringTable
File transfer
startSendingFile(const char * fileName)
Start sending the specified file over the link.
chunkReceived(U8 * chunkData, U32 chunkLen)
Called when we receive a FileChunkEvent.
Get the next file...
Post the next FileChunkEvent.
Called when we finish downloading file data.
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
loadNextGhostAlwaysObject(bool hadNewFiles)
This is part of the file transfer logic; basically, we call this every time we finish downloading new files.
It attempts to load the GhostAlways objects; if they fail, it marks an error and we have chance to retry.
Vector< char * > mMissingFileList
List of files missing for this connection.
The currently downloading file is always first in the list (ie, [0]).
Stream * mCurrentDownloadingFile
Stream for currently uploading file (if any).
void * mCurrentFileBuffer
Storage for currently downloading file.
U32 mCurrentFileBufferSize
Size of currently downloading file in bytes.
U32 mCurrentFileBufferOffset
Our position in the currently downloading file in bytes.
U32 mNumDownloadedFiles
Number of files we have downloaded.
String mLastFileErrorBuffer
Error storage for file transfers.
Vector< GhostSave > mGhostAlwaysSaveList
List of objects to ghost-always.
Public Types
- HashTableSize = 127
- ConnectionToServer = BIT(0)
- ConnectionToClient = BIT(1)
- LocalClientConnection = BIT(2)
- NetworkConnection = BIT(3)
- NotConnected
- AwaitingChallengeResponse
We've sent a challenge request, awaiting the response.
- AwaitingConnectRequest
We've received a challenge request and sent a challenge response.
- AwaitingConnectResponse
We've received a challenge response and sent a connect request.
- Connected
We've accepted a connect request, or we've received a connect response accept.
Private Types
typedef SimGroup Parent
Public Friends
Private Attributes
U32 mNetClassGroup
The NetClassGroup of this connection.
BitSet32 mTypeFlags
Protected Static Attributes
bool mFilesWereDownloaded
SimObjectPtr< NetConnection > mLocalClientConnection
SimObjectPtr< NetConnection > mServerConnection
Protected Attributes
U32 mConnectLastSendTime
U32 mConnectSendCount
Public Static Attributes
String mErrorBuffer
Public Attributes
U32 mConnectionSendCount
number of connection messages we've sent.
U32 mConnectionState
State of the connection, from NetConnectionState.
PacketNotify * mNotifyQueueHead
Head of packet notify list.
PacketNotify * mNotifyQueueTail
Tail of packet notify list.
Public Functions
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
checkPacketSend(bool force)
checkTimeout(U32 time)
returns true if the connection timed out
connect(const NetAddress * address)
getAddressDigest(U32 digest)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
handleNotify(bool recvd)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
handlePacket(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
handleStartupError(const char * errorString)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Is the connection established?
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
onConnectionEstablished(bool isInitiator)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
onConnectionRejected(const char * reason)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
onDisconnect(const char * reason)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Reimplemented from: SimGroup
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
processRawPacket(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
readConnectAccept(BitStream * stream, const char ** errorString)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
readConnectRequest(BitStream * stream, const char ** errorString)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
sendDisconnectPacket(const char * reason)
sendPacket(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented from: ConnectionProtocol
setAddressDigest(U32 digest)
setConnectionState(U32 state)
setGhostFrom(bool ghostFrom)
Sets whether ghosts transmit from this side of the connection.
setGhostTo(bool ghostTo)
Sets whether ghosts are allowed from the other side of the connection.
setMissionPathsSent(const bool s)
setNetAddress(const NetAddress * address)
setNetClassGroup(U32 group)
Sets the group of NetClasses this connection traffics in.
setNetworkConnection(bool net)
setProtocolVersion(U32 protocolVersion)
setRemoteConnectionObject(NetConnection * connection)
Call this if the "connection" is local to this app. This short-circuits the protocol layer.
setSendingEvents(bool sending)
Sets whether this side actually sends the events that are posted to it.
setSequence(U32 connectSequence)
setSimulatedNetParams(F32 packetLoss, U32 ping)
setTranslatesStrings(bool xl)
Sets whether this connection is capable of translating strings.
writeConnectAccept(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
writeConnectRequest(BitStream * stream)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
Public Static Functions
lookup(const NetAddress * remoteAddress)
Find a NetConnection, if any, with the specified address.
setLastError(const char * fmt, ... )
setLocalClientConnection(NetConnection * conn)
Protected Functions
connectionError(const char * errorString)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
packetDropped(PacketNotify * note)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
packetReceived(PacketNotify * note)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
readPacket(BitStream * bstream)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection
writePacket(BitStream * bstream, PacketNotify * note)
Reimplemented by: GameConnection