


Private Types

_Anonymous_ {
  MeshRoadMask = Parent::NextFreeMask
  NodeMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 1
  RegenMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 2
  InitialUpdateMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 3
  SelectedMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 4
  MaterialMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 5
  ProfileMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 6
  NextFreeMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 7

Protected Types

_Anonymous_ {
  Top = 0
  Bottom = 1
  Side = 2
  SurfaceCount = 3

Protected Static Attributes

Private Static Attributes

Public Functions

addNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal)
buildConvex(const Box3F & box, Convex * convex)

Builds a convex hull for this object.

buildPolyList(PolyListContext context, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box, const SphereF & sphere)

Builds a list of polygons which intersect a bounding volume.

buildSegmentPolyList(AbstractPolyList * polyList, U32 startSegIdx, U32 endSegIdx, bool capFront, bool capEnd)
castRay(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Casts a ray and obtain collision information, returns true if RayInfo is modified.

collideBox(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)
collideRay(const Point3F & origin, const Point3F & direction, U32 * nodeIdx, Point3F * collisionPnt)
insertNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal, const U32 & idx)

Called after any property of the object is changed in the world editor.


Called when the object is added to the sim.

Called when the editor is deactivated.

Called when the editor is activated.

Called when the object is removed from the sim.

onStaticModified(const char * slotName, const char * newValue)

Specifically, these are called by setDataField when a static or dynamic field is modified, see the console details.

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Instructs this object to pack its state for transfer over the network.

Called when the SceneManager is ready for the registration of render instances.

setNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal, const U32 & idx)
setNodeDepth(U32 idx, F32 depth)
setNodeWidth(U32 idx, F32 width)

Sets the scale for the object.

Sets the Object -> World transform.

Instructs this object to read state data previously packed with packUpdate.

writeField(StringTableEntry fieldname, const char * value)

Determine whether or not a field should be written.

writeFields(Stream & stream, U32 tabStop)

Write the fields of this object in TorqueScript.

Public Static Functions

addNodeFromField(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

Protected 'Component' Field setter that will add a component to the list.

addProfileNodeFromField(void * obj, const char * index, const char * data)

Protected Functions

_addNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal)
_insertNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal, const U32 & idx)
DECLARE_NET_MATERIALASSET(MeshRoad , BottomMaterial , MeshRoadMask )
DECLARE_NET_MATERIALASSET(MeshRoad , SideMaterial , MeshRoadMask )
DECLARE_NET_MATERIALASSET(MeshRoad , TopMaterial , MeshRoadMask )

Detailed Description

Private Types



MeshRoadMask = Parent::NextFreeMask
NodeMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 1
RegenMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 2
InitialUpdateMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 3
SelectedMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 4
MaterialMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 5
ProfileMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 6
NextFreeMask = Parent::NextFreeMask << 7
typedef SceneObject Parent 

Protected Types



Top = 0
Bottom = 1
Side = 2
SurfaceCount = 3

Public Friends

Public Static Attributes

bool smEditorOpen 
SimObjectPtr< SimSet > smServerMeshRoadSet 
bool smShowBatches 
bool smShowRoad 
bool smShowRoadProfile 
bool smShowSpline 
bool smWireframe 

Protected Attributes

MeshRoadBatchVector mBatches 
F32 mBreakAngle 
Convex * mConvexList 
Vector< MeshRoadConvex * > mDebugConvex 
SimObjectPtr< Material > mMaterial [SurfaceCount]
BaseMatInstance * mMatInst [SurfaceCount]
MeshRoadNodeVector mNodes 
GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle mPB [SurfaceCount]
PhysicsBody * mPhysicsRep 
MeshRoadSegmentVector mSegments 
MeshRoadProfile mSideProfile 
MeshRoadSliceVector mSlices 
F32 mTextureLength 
U32 mTriangleCount [SurfaceCount]
GFXVertexBufferHandle< GFXVertexPNTT > mVB [SurfaceCount]
U32 mVertCount [SurfaceCount]
S32 mWidthSubdivisions 

Protected Static Attributes

GFXStateBlockRef smWireframeSB 

Private Static Attributes

bool buildPolyList_TopSurfaceOnly 

Public Functions



addNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal)

buildConvex(const Box3F & box, Convex * convex)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

buildNodesFromList(MeshRoadNodeList * list)

buildPolyList(PolyListContext context, AbstractPolyList * polyList, const Box3F & box, const SphereF & sphere)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

buildSegmentPolyList(AbstractPolyList * polyList, U32 startSegIdx, U32 endSegIdx, bool capFront, bool capEnd)

buildTopPolyList(PolyListContext , AbstractPolyList * )

calcSliceTransform(U32 idx, MatrixF & mat)

castRay(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

collideBox(const Point3F & start, const Point3F & end, RayInfo * info)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

collideRay(const Point3F & origin, const Point3F & direction, U32 * nodeIdx, Point3F * collisionPnt)


deleteNode(U32 idx)

getNode(U32 idx)

getNodeDepth(U32 idx)

getNodeNormal(U32 idx)

getNodePosition(U32 idx)

getNodeTransform(U32 idx)

getNodeWidth(U32 idx)


getSegment(U32 idx)


insertNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal, const U32 & idx)


Reimplemented from: SceneObject

isEndNode(U32 idx)


Reimplemented from: SceneObject


Reimplemented from: SimObject


Reimplemented from: SimObject


Reimplemented from: SceneObject

onStaticModified(const char * slotName, const char * newValue)

Reimplemented from: SimObject

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

prepRenderImage(SceneRenderState * state)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject


setBatchSize(U32 level)

setNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal, const U32 & idx)

setNodeDepth(U32 idx, F32 depth)

setNodeNormal(U32 idx, const VectorF & normal)

setNodePosition(U32 idx, const Point3F & pos)

setNodeWidth(U32 idx, F32 width)

setScale(const VectorF & scale)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

setTextureFile(StringTableEntry file)

setTextureRepeat(F32 meters)

setTransform(const MatrixF & mat)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

unpackUpdate(NetConnection * conn, BitStream * stream)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

writeField(StringTableEntry fieldname, const char * value)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

writeFields(Stream & stream, U32 tabStop)

Reimplemented from: SimObject

Public Static Functions

addNodeFromField(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

Protected 'Component' Field setter that will add a component to the list.

addProfileNodeFromField(void * obj, const char * index, const char * data)




Protected Functions

_addNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal)

_debugRender(ObjectRenderInst * ri, SceneRenderState * state, BaseMatInstance * )





_insertNode(const Point3F & pos, const F32 & width, const F32 & depth, const Point3F & normal, const U32 & idx)


DECLARE_NET_MATERIALASSET(MeshRoad , BottomMaterial , MeshRoadMask )

DECLARE_NET_MATERIALASSET(MeshRoad , SideMaterial , MeshRoadMask )

DECLARE_NET_MATERIALASSET(MeshRoad , TopMaterial , MeshRoadMask )