Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / Material::StageData




Protected Types

Protected Attributes

The cubemap for this stage.

The sparse table of textures by feature index.

Public Functions

Returns the stage cubemap.

getFeatureSet(FeatureSet * outFeatures)

Returns the active texture features.

Returns the texture object or NULL if there is no texture entry for that feature type in the table.


Returns true if we have a valid texture assigned to any feature in the texture table.

Set the stage cubemap.

Assigns a texture object by feature type.

Detailed Description

Protected Types

typedef HashTable< const FeatureType *, GFXTexHandle > TextureTable 

Protected Attributes

GFXCubemap * mCubemap 

The cubemap for this stage.

TextureTable mTextures 

The sparse table of textures by feature index.


Public Functions



Returns the stage cubemap.

getFeatureSet(FeatureSet * outFeatures)

Returns the active texture features.

getTex(const FeatureType & type)

Returns the texture object or NULL if there is no texture entry for that feature type in the table.


Returns true if we have a valid texture assigned to any feature in the texture table.

setCubemap(GFXCubemap * cubemap)

Set the stage cubemap.

setTex(const FeatureType & type, GFXTextureObject * tex)

Assigns a texture object by feature type.