

Used to gather an score lights for rendering.


Protected Attributes

The sorted list of best lights.

The maximum lights to return from the query.

The sphere used to query for lights.

Public Functions

LightQuery(U32 maxLights)
getLights(LightInfo ** outLights, U32 maxLights)

This returns the best lights based on the query volume.

init(const Box3F & bounds)

Set the query volume from a box.

init(const Point3F & cameraPos, const Point3F & cameraDir, F32 viewDist)

Set the query volume from a camera position and direction.

init(const SphereF & bounds)

Set the query volume from a sphere.

Protected Functions

Protected Static Functions

Detailed Description

Used to gather an score lights for rendering.

Protected Attributes

Vector< LightInfo * > mLights 

The sorted list of best lights.

const U32 mMaxLights 

The maximum lights to return from the query.

SphereF mVolume 

The sphere used to query for lights.

Public Functions

LightQuery(U32 maxLights)


getLights(LightInfo ** outLights, U32 maxLights)

This returns the best lights based on the query volume.

init(const Box3F & bounds)

Set the query volume from a box.

init(const Point3F & cameraPos, const Point3F & cameraDir, F32 viewDist)

Set the query volume from a camera position and direction.

init(const SphereF & bounds)

Set the query volume from a sphere.

Protected Functions


Protected Static Functions

_lightScoreCmp(LightInfo *const * a, LightInfo *const * b)