Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / InfiniteBitStream



This class acts to provide an "infinitely extending" stream.


Public Functions

Shrink the buffer down to match the actual size of the data.

Reset the stream to zero length (but don't clean memory).

validate(U32 upcomingBytes)

Ensure we have space for at least upcomingBytes more bytes in the stream.

writeBits(S32 bitCount, const void * bitPtr)
writeFlag(bool val)

Write us out to a stream... Results in last byte getting padded!

Detailed Description

This class acts to provide an "infinitely extending" stream.

Basically, it does what ResizeBitStream does, but it validates on every write op, so that you never have to worry about overwriting the buffer.

Public Functions




Shrink the buffer down to match the actual size of the data.



Reset the stream to zero length (but don't clean memory).

validate(U32 upcomingBytes)

Ensure we have space for at least upcomingBytes more bytes in the stream.

writeBits(S32 bitCount, const void * bitPtr)

Reimplemented from: BitStream

writeFlag(bool val)

Reimplemented from: BitStream

writeToStream(Stream & s)

Write us out to a stream... Results in last byte getting padded!