

A control that displays a TSShape in its view.


Mouse Control

MouseState {

Current mouse operation.

Last mouse position during tracked mouse operations.


Return the instance of the model being rendered in the view.

Return the name of the skin used on the primary model.

Set the skin to use on the primary model.

Set the model to show in this view.

Name of the model loaded for display.

Model being displayed in the view.

Name of skin to use on model.


Return the model mounted to the current primary model; NULL if none.

Return the name of the skin used on the mounted model.

Set the skin to use on the mounted model.

Name of model to mount to the primary model.

Index of the node to mount the secondary model to. -1 (disabled) by default.

Name of node to mount the secondary model to. Unset by default.

Model mounted as an image to the primary model.


Set the animation sequence to play on the model.

Set the animation sequence to play on the model.

Index of the animation sequence to play on the model. -1 (disabled) by default.

Name of the animation sequence to play on the model. Unset by default.

Animation thread on the model.

Last time we rendered the model. Used for animation.


Return the current camera speed multiplier.

Set the multiplier to apply to camera rotation and zooming.

Sets the distance at which the camera orbits the object.

Sets the angle of the camera on it's orbit in relation to the object.

Public Types


Public Functions

DECLARE_DESCRIPTION("A <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> that shows <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/class/classtsshape/">TSShape</a> model." )

Called when this object is asked to wake up returns true if it's actually awake at the end.

renderWorld(const RectI & updateRect)

Subclasses can override this to perform 3D rendering.

Protected Functions

onStaticModified(StringTableEntry slotName, const char * newValue)

Specifically, these are called by setDataField when a static or dynamic field is modified, see the console details.

Public Static Functions

Detailed Description

A control that displays a TSShape in its view.

Mouse Control



MouseState mMouseState 

Current mouse operation.

Point2I mLastMousePoint 

Last mouse position during tracked mouse operations.




Return the instance of the model being rendered in the view.


Return the name of the skin used on the primary model.

setSkin(const String & name)

Set the skin to use on the primary model.

setObjectModel(const String & modelName)

Set the model to show in this view.

String mModelName 

Name of the model loaded for display.

TSShapeInstance * mModel 

Model being displayed in the view.

String mSkinName 

Name of skin to use on model.

Camera State

Point3F mCameraPos 
MatrixF mCameraMatrix 
EulerF mCameraRot 
Point3F mOrbitPos 
F32 mMaxOrbitDist 
F32 mMinOrbitDist 
EulerF mCameraRotation 
F32 mOrbitDist 
F32 mCameraSpeed 

Multiplier for camera mouse operations (rotation and zooming).



Return the model mounted to the current primary model; NULL if none.



Return the name of the skin used on the mounted model.

setMountSkin(const String & name)

Set the skin to use on the mounted model.

setMountNode(S32 index)

setMountNode(const String & nodeName)

setMountedObject(const String & modelName)

String mMountedModelName 

Name of model to mount to the primary model.

String mMountSkinName 
S32 mMountNode 

Index of the node to mount the secondary model to. -1 (disabled) by default.

String mMountNodeName 

Name of node to mount the secondary model to. Unset by default.

TSShapeInstance * mMountedModel 

Model mounted as an image to the primary model.

MatrixF mMountTransform 


setObjectAnimation(S32 seqIndex)

Set the animation sequence to play on the model.



Index of sequence to play.

setObjectAnimation(const String & sequenceName)

Set the animation sequence to play on the model.



Name of sequence to play.

S32 mAnimationSeq 

Index of the animation sequence to play on the model. -1 (disabled) by default.

String mAnimationSeqName 

Name of the animation sequence to play on the model. Unset by default.

TSThread * mRunThread 

Animation thread on the model.

S32 mLastRenderTime 

Last time we rendered the model. Used for animation.


setLightColor(const LinearColorF & color)

setLightAmbient(const LinearColorF & color)

setLightDirection(const Point3F & direction)

LightInfo * mLight 

Light object used as sun during rendering.

LinearColorF mLightColor 
LinearColorF mLightAmbient 
Point3F mLightDirection 



Return the current camera speed multiplier.

setCameraSpeed(F32 factor)

Set the multiplier to apply to camera rotation and zooming.


setOrbitDistance(F32 distance)

Sets the distance at which the camera orbits the object.

Clamped to the acceptable range defined in the class by min and max orbit distances.



The distance to set the orbit to (will be clamped).

setCameraRotation(const EulerF & rotation)

Sets the angle of the camera on it's orbit in relation to the object.

Public Types

typedef GuiTSCtrl Parent 

Public Functions



DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onMouseEnter , () )

DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onMouseLeave , () )


DECLARE_DESCRIPTION("A <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> that shows <a href="/coding/file/pointer_8h/#pointer_8h_1aeeddce917cf130d62c370b8f216026dd">a</a> <a href="/coding/class/classtsshape/">TSShape</a> model." )

onMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseEnter(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseLeave(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onRightMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onRightMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onRightMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl


Reimplemented from: GuiTSCtrl

processCameraQuery(CameraQuery * query)

Reimplemented from: GuiTSCtrl

renderWorld(const RectI & updateRect)

Reimplemented from: GuiTSCtrl

Protected Functions



onStaticModified(StringTableEntry slotName, const char * newValue)

Reimplemented from: SimObject

Public Static Functions
