The GuiInspectorField control is a representation of a single abstract field for a given ConsoleObject derived object.
Public Types
Public Friends
Protected Attributes
The text to display as the field name.
The GuiInspector that the group is in to which this field belongs.
The group to which this field belongs.
Protected Functions
Public Functions
GuiInspectorField(GuiInspector * inspector, GuiInspectorGroup * parent, AbstractClassRep::Field * field)
Returns pointer to this InspectorField's edit ctrl.
Return the name of the field being edited.
Return the name of the console type that this field uses.
Return the inspector object that this field belongs to.
Return the name without the array index that may potentially be present.
Return true if all inspected objects have the same value for this field.
init(GuiInspector * inspector, GuiInspectorGroup * group)
Called when this object is added to the scene.
onMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
onRightMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
setCaption(StringTableEntry caption)
Sets this control's caption text, usually set within setInspectorField, this is exposed in case someone wants to override the normal caption.
setEditControl(GuiControl * editCtrl)
setFirstResponder(GuiControl * firstResponder)
Sets the first responder for child controls.
setHeightOverride(bool useOverride, U32 heightOverride)
setHLEnabled(bool enabled)
setInspectorField(AbstractClassRep::Field * field, StringTableEntry caption, const char * arrayIndex)
Chooses and sets the GuiControlProfile.
setSpecialEditCallbackName(String callName)
setSpecialEditField(bool isSpecialEditField)
setSpecialEditVariableName(String varName)
setTargetObject(SimObject * obj)
Sets the value of this GuiInspectorField (not the actual field) This means the EditCtrl unless overridden.
Update the inspected field to match the value of this control.
Update this controls value to reflect that of the inspected field.
verifyData(StringTableEntry data)
Called from within setData to allow child classes to perform their own verification.
Detailed Description
The GuiInspectorField control is a representation of a single abstract field for a given ConsoleObject derived object.
It handles creation getting and setting of it's fields data and editing control.
Creation of custom edit controls is done through this class and is dependent upon the dynamic console type, which may be defined to be custom for different types.
note:GuiInspectorField controls must have a GuiInspectorGroup as their parent.
Public Types
typedef GuiControl Parent
Public Friends
Protected Attributes
StringTableEntry mCallbackName
StringTableEntry mCaption
The text to display as the field name.
RectI mCaptionRect
GuiControl * mEdit
RectI mEditCtrlRect
AbstractClassRep::Field * mField
StringTableEntry mFieldArrayIndex
String mFieldDocs
U32 mHeightOverride
bool mHighlighted
GuiInspector * mInspector
The GuiInspector that the group is in to which this field belongs.
GuiInspectorGroup * mParent
The group to which this field belongs.
bool mSpecialEditField
SimObject * mTargetObject
bool mUseHeightOverride
StringTableEntry mVariableName
Protected Functions
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorDynamicField
_registerEditControl(GuiControl * ctrl)
_setFieldDocs(StringTableEntry docs)
Public Functions
GuiInspectorField(GuiInspector * inspector, GuiInspectorGroup * parent, AbstractClassRep::Field * field)
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorTypeMenuBase, GuiInspectorTypeMaterialName, GuiInspectorTypeTerrainMaterialIndex, GuiInspectorTypeTerrainMaterialName, GuiInspectorTypeCheckBox, GuiInspectorTypeCommand, GuiInspectorTypeFileName, GuiInspectorTypeImageFileName, GuiInspectorTypeRectUV, GuiInspectorTypeEaseF, GuiInspectorTypePrefabFilename, GuiInspectorTypeShapeFilename, GuiInspectorTypeColor, GuiInspectorTypeS32, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32Helper, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorTypeCubemapAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeGameObjectAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeGUIAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeImageAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeMaterialAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeParticleAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeStateMachineAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeTerrainAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeTerrainMaterialAssetPtr
getData(U32 inspectObjectIndex)
Get value of the field we are inspecting.
note:The string returned by this method may be a transient string allocated internally by the console. For any non-transient needs, this string has to be copied to locally owned memory.
note:This method always returns the value of the field in the first inspected object.
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorDynamicField, GuiInspectorVariableField
Returns pointer to this InspectorField's edit ctrl.
Return the name of the field being edited.
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorDynamicField
Return the name of the console type that this field uses.
Return the inspector object that this field belongs to.
Return the name without the array index that may potentially be present.
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorDynamicField
Get the currently value of this control (not the actual field)
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorTypeCheckBox, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32, GuiInspectorVariableField
Return true if all inspected objects have the same value for this field.
init(GuiInspector * inspector, GuiInspectorGroup * group)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorDynamicField, GuiInspectorVariableField
onMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
onRightMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
Reset the field value to its default value based on default-constructed objects.
note:If multiple objects are inspected, this will take the default value from the first object and set all fields to this value.
resize(const Point2I & newPosition, const Point2I & newExtent)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorTypeFileName, GuiInspectorTypeEaseF, GuiInspectorTypeColor, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32Helper
setCaption(StringTableEntry caption)
Sets this control's caption text, usually set within setInspectorField, this is exposed in case someone wants to override the normal caption.
setData(const char * data, bool callbacks)
Set value of the field we are inspecting.
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorDynamicField, GuiInspectorVariableField
setDocs(String docs)
setEditControl(GuiControl * editCtrl)
setFirstResponder(GuiControl * firstResponder)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
setHeightOverride(bool useOverride, U32 heightOverride)
setHLEnabled(bool enabled)
setInspectorField(AbstractClassRep::Field * field, StringTableEntry caption, const char * arrayIndex)
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorDynamicField
Chooses and sets the GuiControlProfile.
setSpecialEditCallbackName(String callName)
setSpecialEditField(bool isSpecialEditField)
setSpecialEditVariableName(String varName)
setTargetObject(SimObject * obj)
setValue(const char * newValue)
Sets the value of this GuiInspectorField (not the actual field) This means the EditCtrl unless overridden.
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorVariableField, GuiInspectorTypeCommand, GuiInspectorTypeMenuBase, GuiInspectorTypeCheckBox, GuiInspectorTypeColorI, GuiInspectorTypeColorF, GuiInspectorTypeS32, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32Helper
Update the inspected field to match the value of this control.
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32, GuiInspectorVariableField
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorTypeMaterialName, GuiInspectorTypeFileName, GuiInspectorTypeRectUV, GuiInspectorTypeEaseF, GuiInspectorTypeShapeFilename, GuiInspectorTypeColor, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32, GuiInspectorTypeBitMask32Helper, GuiInspectorDynamicField, GuiInspectorTypeCubemapAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeGameObjectAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeGUIAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeImageAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeMaterialAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeParticleAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeStateMachineAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeTerrainAssetPtr, GuiInspectorTypeTerrainMaterialAssetPtr
Update this controls value to reflect that of the inspected field.
Reimplemented by: afxGuiSubstitutionField, GuiInspectorTypeFileName, GuiInspectorCustomField, GuiInspectorVariableField
verifyData(StringTableEntry data)
Called from within setData to allow child classes to perform their own verification.
Reimplemented by: GuiInspectorTypeName