

A control that allows to edit the properties of one or more SimObjects.


Private Types

Protected Types


Public Functions

addInspectObject(SimObject * object, bool autoSync)

Add another object to the set of currently inspected objects.

Deletes all GuiInspectorGroups.

Remove all objects from the inspection set.

DECLARE_DESCRIPTION("A <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> that allows <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> edit the properties of one or more SimObjects." )

Returns true if the named group exists Helper for inspectObject.

Looks through the group list by name to find it's index

findHitControl(const Point2I & pt, S32 initialLayer)

Returns the control which the provided point is under, with layering.

getCursor(GuiCursor *& cursor, bool & showCursor, const GuiEvent & lastGuiEvent)

Get information about the cursor.

getDivider(S32 & pos, S32 & margin)

Divider position is interpreted as an offset from the right edge of the field control.

Get the currently inspected object.

Return the number of objects being inspected by this GuiInspector.

Inserts a group into group list at a specific position

Set the currently inspected object.

isGroupExplicitlyFiltered(const char * groupName)
isGroupFiltered(const char * groupName)

Return true if "object" is in the inspection set of this inspector.

Called when the mProfile or mToolTipProfile is deleted.

Called when this object is removed.

parentResized(const RectI & oldParentRect, const RectI & newParentRect)

Called when this objects parent is resized.

Remove the given object from the set of inspected objects.

resize(const Point2I & newPosition, const Point2I & newExtent)

Changes the size and/or position of this control.

Call inspectPostApply on all inspected objects.

Call inspectPreApply on all inspected objects.

Set the currently inspected object name.

setObjectField(const char * fieldName, const char * data)
updateFieldValue(StringTableEntry fieldName, const char * arrayIdx)

Should there be a GuiInspectorField associated with this fieldName, update it to reflect actual/current value of that field in the inspected object.

Public Static Functions

Protected Functions

Detailed Description

A control that allows to edit the properties of one or more SimObjects.

Private Types

typedef GuiStackControl Parent 

Protected Types

typedef Vector< SimObjectPtr< SimObject > > TargetVector 

Protected Attributes

S32 mComponentGroupTargetId 
S32 mDividerMargin 
F32 mDividerPos 
String mGroupFilters 
Vector< GuiInspectorGroup * > mGroups 
SimObjectPtr< GuiInspectorField > mHLField 
bool mMovingDivider 
bool mOverDivider 
bool mShowCustomFields 
TargetVector mTargets 

Objects being inspected by this GuiInspector.

Public Functions



addInspectObject(SimObject * object, bool autoSync)

Add another object to the set of currently inspected objects.

addInspectorGroup(GuiInspectorGroup * group)


Deletes all GuiInspectorGroups.


Remove all objects from the inspection set.

collideDivider(const Point2I & localPnt)



DECLARE_DESCRIPTION("A <a href="/coding/file/guieditctrl_8cpp/#guieditctrl_8cpp_1abb04e3738c4c5a96b3ade6fa47013a6c">control</a> that allows <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> edit the properties of one or more SimObjects." )

findExistentGroup(StringTableEntry groupName)

Returns true if the named group exists Helper for inspectObject.

findExistentGroupIndex(StringTableEntry groupName)

Looks through the group list by name to find it's index



Returns the index position of the group in the group list as S32. -1 if groupName not found.

findHitControl(const Point2I & pt, S32 initialLayer)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl


getCursor(GuiCursor *& cursor, bool & showCursor, const GuiEvent & lastGuiEvent)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

getDivider(S32 & pos, S32 & margin)

Divider position is interpreted as an offset from the right edge of the field control.

Divider margin is an offset on both left and right sides of the divider in which it can be selected with the mouse.

getInspectObject(U32 index)

Get the currently inspected object.


Return the number of objects being inspected by this GuiInspector.

insertInspectorGroup(U32 insertIndex, GuiInspectorGroup * group)

Inserts a group into group list at a specific position



inspectObject(SimObject * object)

Set the currently inspected object.

Reimplemented by: GuiVariableInspector

isGroupExplicitlyFiltered(const char * groupName)

isGroupFiltered(const char * groupName)

isInspectingObject(SimObject * object)

Return true if "object" is in the inspection set of this inspector.

onDeleteNotify(SimObject * object)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseMove(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl


Reimplemented from: GuiControl

parentResized(const RectI & oldParentRect, const RectI & newParentRect)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

removeInspectObject(SimObject * object)

Remove the given object from the set of inspected objects.

resize(const Point2I & newPosition, const Point2I & newExtent)

Reimplemented from: GuiStackControl


Call inspectPostApply on all inspected objects.


Call inspectPreApply on all inspected objects.

setComponentGroupTargetId(S32 compId)

setHighlightField(GuiInspectorField * field)

setName(StringTableEntry newName)

Set the currently inspected object name.


Only valid in single-object mode.

setObjectField(const char * fieldName, const char * data)


updateFieldValue(StringTableEntry fieldName, const char * arrayIdx)

Should there be a GuiInspectorField associated with this fieldName, update it to reflect actual/current value of that field in the inspected object.

Added to support UndoActions

Public Static Functions

findByObject(SimObject * obj)


Protected Functions
