Accelerator key map.
Rendering methods
renderFrame(bool preRenderOnly, bool bufferSwap)
Repaints the dirty regions of the canvas.
addUpdateRegion(Point2I pos, Point2I ext)
Adds a dirty area to the canvas so it will be updated on the next frame.
Resets the update regions so that the next call to renderFrame will repaint the whole canvas.
Resizes the content control to match the canvas size.
buildUpdateUnion(RectI * updateUnion)
This builds a rectangle which encompasses all of the dirty regions to be repainted.
This will swap the buffers at the end of renderFrame.
Cursor Properties
Mouse Input
processKeyboardEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes keyboard input events.
processMouseEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes mouse input events.
processGamepadEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes gamepad input events.
findMouseControl(const GuiEvent & event)
All mouse events will go to this ctrl only.
the control the mouse was last seen in unless some other one captured it
whether the current ctrl has been clicked - used by helpctrl
this determines how long the mouse has been in the same control
Flag to determine if the button is depressed.
bool to determine if the right button is depressed
Middle button flag.
Keyboard Input
Cursor commands
A cursor can be on, but not be shown.
If a cursor is not on, than it does not process input.
Returns true if the cursor is on.
setForceMouseToGUI(bool onOff)
Sets if mouse events should be passed to the GUI even if the cursor is off.
setClampTorqueCursor(bool onOff)
Sets if the Torque cursor should be clamped to the window.
Returns if the Torque cursor is clamped to the window.
setCursorON(bool onOff)
Turns the cursor on or off.
setCursorPos(const Point2I & pt)
Sets the position of the cursor.
Returns the point, in screenspace, at which the cursor is located.
Returns the point, in local coordinates, at which the cursor is located.
showCursor(bool state)
Enable/disable rendering of the cursor.
Returns true if the cursor is being rendered.
cursorClick(S32 buttonId, bool isDown)
cursorNudge(F32 x, F32 y)
Canvas Content Management
This returns the PlatformWindow owned by this Canvas.
setContentControl(GuiControl * gui)
This sets the content control to something different.
Returns the content control.
pushDialogControl(GuiControl * gui, S32 layer, bool center)
Adds a dialog control onto the stack of dialogs.
popDialogControl(S32 layer)
Removes a specific layer of dialogs.
popDialogControl(GuiControl * gui)
Removes a specific dialog control.
Input Processing
processInputEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes an input event.
Mouse Methods
mouseLock(GuiControl * lockingControl)
When a control gets the mouse lock this means that that control gets ALL mouse input and no other control receives any input.
mouseUnlock(GuiControl * lockingControl)
Unlocks the mouse from a control.
Returns the control which the mouse is over.
Returns the control which the mouse is locked to if any.
Returns true if the left mouse button is down.
Returns true if the right mouse button is down.
Mouse input methods
These events process the events before passing them down to the controls they effect.
This allows for things such as the input locking and such.
Each of these methods corresponds to the action in it's method name and processes the GuiEvent passed as a parameter
rootMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseMove(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)
rootRightMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
rootRightMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootRightMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMiddleMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMiddleMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMiddleMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseWheelUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseWheelDown(const GuiEvent & event)
Keyboard input methods
First responders
A first responder is a the GuiControl which responds first to input events before passing them off for further processing.
addAcceleratorKey(GuiControl * ctrl, U32 index, U32 keyCode, U32 modifier)
Setups a keyboard accelerator which maps to a GuiControl.
setFirstResponder(GuiControl * firstResponder)
Sets the first responder.
setNativeAcceleratorsEnabled(bool enabled)
This is used to toggle processing of native OS accelerators, not to be confused with the Torque accelerator key system, to keep them from swallowing up keystrokes.
Protected Types
Protected Attributes
Protected Static Attributes
Private Static Attributes
The maximum number of supported gamepads.
Protected Functions
checkLockMouseMove(const GuiEvent & event)
handleAppEvent(WindowId did, S32 event)
handlePaintEvent(WindowId did)
handleResize(WindowId did, S32 width, S32 height)
Protected Static Functions
setProtectedNumFences(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
Public Functions
used by the tooltip resource
getLastCursorPoint(Point2I & pt)
Called when this object is added to the scene.
setConsumeLastInputEvent(bool flag)
setMenuBar(SimObject * obj)
setRenderFront(bool front)
This turns on/off front-buffer rendering.
setWindowTitle(const char * newTitle)
Public Static Functions
Detailed Description
Rendering methods
renderFrame(bool preRenderOnly, bool bufferSwap)
Repaints the dirty regions of the canvas.
preRenderOnly | If set to true, only the onPreRender methods of all the GuiControls will be called |
bufferSwap | If set to true, it will swap buffers at the end. This is to support canvas-subclassing. |
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas
Repaints the canvas by calling the platform window display event.
repaint(U32 elapsedMS)
Repaints the canvas skipping rendering if the target time has not yet elapsed.
elapsedMS | The time since the last frame. |
addUpdateRegion(Point2I pos, Point2I ext)
Adds a dirty area to the canvas so it will be updated on the next frame.
pos | Screen-coordinates of the upper-left hand corner of the dirty area |
ext | Width/height of the dirty area |
Resets the update regions so that the next call to renderFrame will repaint the whole canvas.
Resizes the content control to match the canvas size.
buildUpdateUnion(RectI * updateUnion)
This builds a rectangle which encompasses all of the dirty regions to be repainted.
updateUnion | (out) Rectangle which surrounds all dirty areas |
This will swap the buffers at the end of renderFrame.
It was added for canvas sub-classes in case they wanted to do some custom code before the buffer flip occured.
typedef Signal< void(bool beginFrame)> GuiCanvasFrameSignal
This signal is triggered at the beginning and end of each render frame.
beginFrame | true at the beginning of the frame, false at the end |
RectI mOldUpdateRects [2]
RectI mCurUpdateRect
U32 mLastRenderMs
Cursor Properties
bool mCursorEnabled
bool mShowCursor
bool mRenderFront
Point2F mCursorPt
Current cursor position in local coordinates.
Point2I mLastCursorPt
GuiCursor * mDefaultCursor
GuiCursor * mLastCursor
bool mLastCursorEnabled
bool mForceMouseToGUI
bool mClampTorqueCursor
bool mAlwaysHandleMouseButtons
bool mDisplayWindow
Mouse Input
processKeyboardEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes keyboard input events.
Helper method for processInputEvent
inputEvent | Information on the input even to be processed. |
True if the event was handled or false if it was not.
processMouseEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes mouse input events.
Helper method for processInputEvent
inputEvent | Information on the input even to be processed. |
True if the event was handled or false if it was not.
processGamepadEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Processes gamepad input events.
Helper method for processInputEvent
inputEvent | Information on the input even to be processed. |
True if the event was handled or false if it was not.
findMouseControl(const GuiEvent & event)
SimObjectPtr< GuiControl > mMouseCapturedControl
All mouse events will go to this ctrl only.
SimObjectPtr< GuiControl > mMouseControl
the control the mouse was last seen in unless some other one captured it
bool mMouseControlClicked
whether the current ctrl has been clicked - used by helpctrl
U32 mPrevMouseTime
this determines how long the mouse has been in the same control
bool mMouseButtonDown
Flag to determine if the button is depressed.
bool mMouseRightButtonDown
bool to determine if the right button is depressed
bool mMouseMiddleButtonDown
Middle button flag.
GuiEvent mLastEvent
U8 mLastMouseClickCount
S32 mLastMouseDownTime
bool mLeftMouseLast
bool mMiddleMouseLast
bool mRightMouseLast
Point2F mMouseDownPoint
Keyboard Input
Vector< AccKeyMap > mAcceleratorMap
U32 mHoverControlStart
GuiControl * mHoverControl
Point2I mHoverPosition
bool mHoverPositionSet
U32 mHoverLeftControlTime
Cursor commands
A cursor can be on, but not be shown.
If a cursor is not on, than it does not process input.
setCursor(GuiCursor * cursor)
Sets the cursor for the canvas.
cursor | New cursor to use. |
Returns true if the cursor is on.
setForceMouseToGUI(bool onOff)
Sets if mouse events should be passed to the GUI even if the cursor is off.
onOff | True if events should be passed to the GUI if the cursor is off |
setClampTorqueCursor(bool onOff)
Sets if the Torque cursor should be clamped to the window.
onOff | True if the Torque cursor should be clamped against the window |
Returns if the Torque cursor is clamped to the window.
setCursorON(bool onOff)
Turns the cursor on or off.
onOff | True if the cursor should be on. |
setCursorPos(const Point2I & pt)
Sets the position of the cursor.
pt | Point, in screenspace for the cursor |
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas
Returns the point, in screenspace, at which the cursor is located.
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas
Returns the point, in local coordinates, at which the cursor is located.
showCursor(bool state)
Enable/disable rendering of the cursor.
state | True if we should render cursor |
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas
Returns true if the cursor is being rendered.
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas
cursorClick(S32 buttonId, bool isDown)
cursorNudge(F32 x, F32 y)
S32 mCursorChanged
Canvas Content Management
This returns the PlatformWindow owned by this Canvas.
setContentControl(GuiControl * gui)
This sets the content control to something different.
gui | New content control |
Returns the content control.
pushDialogControl(GuiControl * gui, S32 layer, bool center)
Adds a dialog control onto the stack of dialogs.
gui | Dialog to add |
layer | Layer to put dialog on |
center | Center dialog on canvas. |
popDialogControl(S32 layer)
Removes a specific layer of dialogs.
layer | Layer to pop off from |
popDialogControl(GuiControl * gui)
Removes a specific dialog control.
gui | Dialog to remove from the dialog stack |
Input Processing
processInputEvent(InputEventInfo & inputEvent)
Reimplemented from: IProcessInput
Mouse Methods
mouseLock(GuiControl * lockingControl)
When a control gets the mouse lock this means that that control gets ALL mouse input and no other control receives any input.
lockingControl | Control to lock mouse to |
mouseUnlock(GuiControl * lockingControl)
Unlocks the mouse from a control.
lockingControl | Control to unlock from |
Returns the control which the mouse is over.
Returns the control which the mouse is locked to if any.
mouseButtonDown(void )
Returns true if the left mouse button is down.
mouseRightButtonDown(void )
Returns true if the right mouse button is down.
Mouse input methods
These events process the events before passing them down to the controls they effect.
This allows for things such as the input locking and such.
Each of these methods corresponds to the action in it's method name and processes the GuiEvent passed as a parameter
rootMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseMove(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)
rootRightMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
rootRightMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootRightMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMiddleMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMiddleMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMiddleMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseWheelUp(const GuiEvent & event)
rootMouseWheelDown(const GuiEvent & event)
Keyboard input methods
First responders
A first responder is a the GuiControl which responds first to input events before passing them off for further processing.
tabNext(void )
Moves the first responder to the next tabable controle.
tabPrev(void )
Moves the first responder to the previous tabable control.
addAcceleratorKey(GuiControl * ctrl, U32 index, U32 keyCode, U32 modifier)
Setups a keyboard accelerator which maps to a GuiControl.
ctrl | GuiControl to map to. |
index | |
keyCode | Key code. |
modifier | Shift, ctrl, etc. |
setFirstResponder(GuiControl * firstResponder)
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
setNativeAcceleratorsEnabled(bool enabled)
This is used to toggle processing of native OS accelerators, not to be confused with the Torque accelerator key system, to keep them from swallowing up keystrokes.
Both GuiTextEditCtrl and GuiTextPadCtrl use this method.
Reimplemented by: OpenVROverlay
Protected Types
typedef GuiControl Parent
Protected Attributes
bool mConsumeLastInputEvent
GFXFence ** mFences
GuiControl * mMenuBackground
GuiControl * mMenuBarCtrl
S32 mNextFenceIdx
S32 mNumFences
PlatformWindow * mPlatformWindow
Protected Static Attributes
CanvasSizeChangeSignal smCanvasSizeChangeSignal
Private Static Attributes
The maximum number of supported gamepads.
Protected Functions
checkLockMouseMove(const GuiEvent & event)
handleAppEvent(WindowId did, S32 event)
handlePaintEvent(WindowId did)
handleResize(WindowId did, S32 width, S32 height)
Protected Static Functions
setProtectedNumFences(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)
Public Functions
clearMouseButtonDown(void )
clearMouseRightButtonDown(void )
Reimplemented by: OpenVROverlay
Reimplemented by: OpenVROverlay
used by the tooltip resource
getLastCursorPoint(Point2I & pt)
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas, OpenVROverlay, VEditorWindow
Reimplemented from: GuiControl
Reimplemented by: GuiOffscreenCanvas, OpenVROverlay
setConsumeLastInputEvent(bool flag)
setMenuBar(SimObject * obj)
setRenderFront(bool front)
This turns on/off front-buffer rendering.
front | True if all rendering should be done to the front buffer |
setWindowTitle(const char * newTitle)