

Renders a grid of cells.


Array attribute methods

Rendering methods

onRenderColumnHeaders(Point2I offset, Point2I parentOffset, Point2I headerDim)
onRenderRowHeader(Point2I offset, Point2I parentOffset, Point2I headerDim, Point2I cell)
onRenderCell(Point2I offset, Point2I cell, bool selected, bool mouseOver)
onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect)

Called when this control is to render itself.

Mouse input methods

Private Types


Protected Functions

Public Functions

Called when this object is asked to sleep.


Called when this object is asked to wake up returns true if it's actually awake at the end.

Detailed Description

Renders a grid of cells.


DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onCellHighlighted , (const Point2I &cell) )

DECLARE_CALLBACK(void , onCellSelected , (const Point2I &cell) )

Array attribute methods


setSize(Point2I size)

Reimplemented by: GuiTextListCtrl

setHeaderDim(const Point2I & dim)

getScrollDimensions(S32 & cell_size, S32 & num_cells)

Selected cell methods

setSelectedCell(Point2I cell)




scrollCellVisible(Point2I cell)

Rendering methods

onRenderColumnHeaders(Point2I offset, Point2I parentOffset, Point2I headerDim)

onRenderRowHeader(Point2I offset, Point2I parentOffset, Point2I headerDim, Point2I cell)

onRenderCell(Point2I offset, Point2I cell, bool selected, bool mouseOver)

Reimplemented by: GuiConsole, GuiPopupTextListCtrl, GuiPopupTextListCtrlEx, GuiTextListCtrl, DbgFileView, GuiPopupMenuTextListCtrl, GuiTreeViewCtrl, CreatorTree

onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI & updateRect)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Mouse input methods

onMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Reimplemented by: DbgFileView, GuiPopupMenuTextListCtrl, CreatorTree

onMouseUp(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Reimplemented by: DbgFileView, GuiPopupMenuTextListCtrl, CreatorTree

onMouseMove(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseDragged(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Reimplemented by: DbgFileView, CreatorTree

onMouseEnter(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onMouseLeave(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

onKeyDown(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Reimplemented by: GuiPopupMenuTextListCtrl

onRightMouseDown(const GuiEvent & event)

Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Private Types

typedef GuiControl Parent 

Protected Attributes

Point2I mCellSize 
Resource< GFont > mFont 
Point2I mHeaderDim 
Point2I mMouseOverCell 
Point2I mSelectedCell 
Point2I mSize 

Protected Functions

_findHitCell(const Point2I & pos, Point2I & cellOut)

cellSelected(Point2I cell)

Reimplemented by: GuiTextListCtrl

onCellHighlighted(Point2I cell)

Reimplemented by: GuiPopupMenuTextListCtrl

onCellSelected(Point2I cell)

Reimplemented by: GuiConsole, GuiPopupTextListCtrl, GuiPopupTextListCtrlEx, GuiTextListCtrl

Public Functions




Reimplemented from: GuiControl


Reimplemented from: GuiControl

Reimplemented by: DbgFileView, CreatorTree