Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / GFXTextureManager




Texture Necromancy

Texture necromancy in three easy steps:

  • If you want to destroy the texture manager, call kill().

  • If you want to switch resolutions, or otherwise reset the device, call zombify().

  • When you want to bring the manager back from zombie state, call resurrect().

This releases any pooled textures which are currently unused freeing up video memory.

cleanupCache(U32 secondsToLive)

This releases cached textures that have not been referenced for a period of time.

addEventDelegate(T obj, U func)

Registers a callback for texture zombify and resurrect events.

removeEventDelegate(T obj, U func)

Unregisteres a texture event callback.

Public User Defined

_createTextureObject(U32 height, U32 width, U32 depth, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels, bool forceMips, S32 antialiasLevel, GFXTextureObject * inTex)

@group Internal Texture Manager Interface


Load a texture from a proper DDSFile instance.


Load data into a texture from a GBitmap using the internal API.


Load data into a texture from a raw buffer using the internal API.


Refresh a texture using the internal API.

_freeTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, bool zombify)

Free a texture (but do not delete the GFXTextureObject) using the internal API.

Public Types

_Anonymous_ {  AA_MATCH_BACKBUFFER = -1

Protected Types

TextureManagerState {

The texture event signal type.


The texture pool collection type.

Public Static Attributes

The amount of texture mipmaps to skip when loading a texture that allows downscaling.

Protected Static Attributes

Public Functions

createCompositeTexture(GBitmap * bmp, U32 inputKey, const String & resourceName, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteBmp)

Load a cubemap from a texture file.

createTexture(DDSFile * dds, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteDDS)
createTexture(GBitmap * bmp, const String & resourceName, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteBmp)
createTexture(U32 width, U32 height, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels, S32 antialiasLevel)
createTexture(U32 width, U32 height, U32 depth, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels)
createTexture(U32 width, U32 height, void * pixels, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile)
loadUncompressedTexture(const Torque::Path & path, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 width, U32 height, bool genMips)

Used to remove a cubemap from the cache.

Request that the texture be deleted which will either occur immediately or delayed if its cached.

validateTextureQuality(GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 & width, U32 & height)

Update width and height based on available resources.

Public Static Functions

Provide the path to the texture to use when the requested one is missing.

Provide the path to the texture to use when the requested one is unavailable.

Provide the path to the texture used to warn the developer.


Set up some global script interface stuff.

Protected Functions

_createTexture(DDSFile * dds, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteDDS, GFXTextureObject * inObj)
_createTexture(GBitmap * bmp, const String & resourceName, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteBmp, GFXTextureObject * inObj)
_findPooledTexure(U32 width, U32 height, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels, S32 antialiasLevel)

Returns a free texture of the requested attributes from from the shared texture pool.

Store texture into the hash table cache and linked list.

_validateTexParams(const U32 width, const U32 height, const GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 & inOutNumMips, GFXFormat & inOutFormat)

Validate the parameters for creating a texture.

freeTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, bool zombify)

Frees the API handles to the texture, for D3D this is a release call.

Detailed Description

Texture Necromancy

Texture necromancy in three easy steps:

  • If you want to destroy the texture manager, call kill().

  • If you want to switch resolutions, or otherwise reset the device, call zombify().

  • When you want to bring the manager back from zombie state, call resurrect().





This releases any pooled textures which are currently unused freeing up video memory.


cleanupCache(U32 secondsToLive)

This releases cached textures that have not been referenced for a period of time.

addEventDelegate(T obj, U func)

Registers a callback for texture zombify and resurrect events.

removeEventDelegate(T obj, U func)

Unregisteres a texture event callback.

Public User Defined

_createTextureObject(U32 height, U32 width, U32 depth, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels, bool forceMips, S32 antialiasLevel, GFXTextureObject * inTex)

@group Internal Texture Manager Interface

These pure virtual functions are overloaded by each API-specific subclass.

The order of calls is:

Allocate a texture with the internal API.



Height of the texture.


Width of the texture.


Depth of the texture. (Will normally be 1 unless we are doing a cubemap or volumetexture.)


Pixel format of the texture.


Profile for the texture.


If not-NULL, then use that many mips. If NULL create the full mip chain


GFXTextureManager::AA_MATCH_BACKBUFFER to match the backbuffer settings (for render targets that want to share the backbuffer z buffer. 0 for no antialiasing, > 0 for levels that match the GFXVideoMode struct.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11TextureManager, GFXGLTextureManager, GFXNullTextureManager

_loadTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, DDSFile * dds)

Load a texture from a proper DDSFile instance.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11TextureManager, GFXGLTextureManager, GFXNullTextureManager

_loadTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, GBitmap * bmp)

Load data into a texture from a GBitmap using the internal API.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11TextureManager, GFXGLTextureManager, GFXNullTextureManager

_loadTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, void * raw)

Load data into a texture from a raw buffer using the internal API.

Note that the size of the buffer is assumed from the parameters used for this GFXTextureObject's _createTexture call.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11TextureManager, GFXGLTextureManager, GFXNullTextureManager

_refreshTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture)

Refresh a texture using the internal API.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11TextureManager, GFXGLTextureManager, GFXNullTextureManager

_freeTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, bool zombify)

Free a texture (but do not delete the GFXTextureObject) using the internal API.

This is only called during zombification for textures which need it, so you don't need to do any internal safety checks.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11TextureManager, GFXGLTextureManager, GFXNullTextureManager

Public Types




Protected Types



typedef HashTable< String, GFXCubemap * > CubemapTable 
typedef Signal< void(GFXTexCallbackCode code)> EventSignal 

The texture event signal type.

typedef HashTable< GFXTextureProfile *, StrongRefPtr< GFXTextureObject > > TexturePoolMap 

The texture pool collection type.

Public Static Attributes

S32 smTextureReductionLevel 

The amount of texture mipmaps to skip when loading a texture that allows downscaling.

Exposed to script via $pref::Video::textureReductionLevel.

Protected Static Attributes

String smBRDFTexturePath 
String smDefaultIrradianceCubemapPath 
String smDefaultPrefilterCubemapPath 
EventSignal smEventSignal 

The texture event signal.

String smMissingTexturePath 

File path to the missing texture.

String smUnavailableTexturePath 

File path to the unavailable texture.

Often used by GUI controls when the requested image is not available.

String smWarningTexturePath 

File path to the warning texture.

Protected Attributes

CubemapTable mCubemapTable 
U32 mHashCount 
GFXTextureObject ** mHashTable 
GFXTextureObject * mListHead 
GFXTextureObject * mListTail 
enum GFXTextureManager::TextureManagerState mTextureManagerState 
TexturePoolMap mTexturePool 

All the allocated texture pool textures.

Vector< GFXTextureObject * > mToDelete 

The textures waiting to be deleted.

Public Functions



createCompositeTexture(const Torque::Path & pathR, const Torque::Path & pathG, const Torque::Path & pathB, const Torque::Path & pathA, U32 inputKey, GFXTextureProfile * profile)

createCompositeTexture(GBitmap * bmp, U32 inputKey, const String & resourceName, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteBmp)

createCubemap(const Torque::Path & path)

Load a cubemap from a texture file.

createTexture(const Torque::Path & path, GFXTextureProfile * profile)

createTexture(DDSFile * dds, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteDDS)

createTexture(GBitmap * bmp, const String & resourceName, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteBmp)

createTexture(U32 width, U32 height, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels, S32 antialiasLevel)

createTexture(U32 width, U32 height, U32 depth, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels)

createTexture(U32 width, U32 height, void * pixels, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile)

deleteTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture)

loadUncompressedTexture(const Torque::Path & path, GFXTextureProfile * profile)

loadUncompressedTexture(const Torque::Path & path, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 width, U32 height, bool genMips)

releaseCubemap(GFXCubemap * cubemap)

Used to remove a cubemap from the cache.

reloadTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture)

requestDeleteTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture)

Request that the texture be deleted which will either occur immediately or delayed if its cached.

saveCompositeTexture(const Torque::Path & pathR, const Torque::Path & pathG, const Torque::Path & pathB, const Torque::Path & pathA, U32 inputKey, const Torque::Path & saveAs, GFXTextureProfile * profile)

validatePath(const Torque::Path & path)

validateTextureQuality(GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 & width, U32 & height)

Update width and height based on available resources.

We provide a simple interface for managing texture memory usage. Specifically, if the total video memory is below a certain threshold, we scale all texture resolutions down by a specific factor (you can specify different scale factors for different types of textures).


The base GFXTextureManager class provides all the logic to do this scaling. Subclasses need only implement getTotalVideoMemory().


Type of the requested texture. This is used to determine scaling factors.


Requested width - is changed to the actual width that should be used.


Requested height - is changed to the actual height that should be used.


True if the texture request should be granted, false otherwise.

Public Static Functions





Provide the path to the texture to use when the requested one is missing.

getTextureDownscalePower(GFXTextureProfile * profile)


Provide the path to the texture to use when the requested one is unavailable.


Provide the path to the texture used to warn the developer.


Set up some global script interface stuff.

Protected Functions

_createTexture(DDSFile * dds, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteDDS, GFXTextureObject * inObj)

_createTexture(GBitmap * bmp, const String & resourceName, GFXTextureProfile * profile, bool deleteBmp, GFXTextureObject * inObj)

_findPooledTexure(U32 width, U32 height, GFXFormat format, GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 numMipLevels, S32 antialiasLevel)

Returns a free texture of the requested attributes from from the shared texture pool.

It returns NULL if no match is found.

_linkTexture(GFXTextureObject * obj)

Store texture into the hash table cache and linked list.

_lookupTexture(const char * filename, const GFXTextureProfile * profile)

_lookupTexture(const DDSFile * ddsFile, const GFXTextureProfile * profile)

_onFileChanged(const Torque::Path & path)

_validateTexParams(const U32 width, const U32 height, const GFXTextureProfile * profile, U32 & inOutNumMips, GFXFormat & inOutFormat)

Validate the parameters for creating a texture.

freeTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture, bool zombify)

Frees the API handles to the texture, for D3D this is a release call.



hashFind(const String & name)

hashInsert(GFXTextureObject * object)

hashRemove(GFXTextureObject * object)

refreshTexture(GFXTextureObject * texture)