

Mixin for the purpose of tracking GFX resources owned by a GFXDevice.


Public Friends


Private Attributes


Helper flag to check new resource allocations.

Public Functions

The resource should put a description of itself (number of vertices, size/width of texture, etc.) in buffer.


Registers this resource with the given device.

When called the resource should restore all device sensitive information destroyed by zombify()

When called the resource should destroy all device sensitive information (e.g. D3D resources in D3DPOOL_DEFAULT.

Detailed Description

Mixin for the purpose of tracking GFX resources owned by a GFXDevice.

There are many types of resource that are allocated from a GFXDevice that must be participatory in device resets. For instance, all default pool DirectX resources have to be involved when the device resets. Render targets in all APIs need to unbind themselves when resets happen.

This system is also handy for accounting purposes. For instance, we may want to traverse all registered VBs, IBs, Textures, or RTs in order to determine what, if any, items are still allocated. This can be used in leak reports, memory usage reports, etc.

Public Friends

Private Attributes

bool mFlagged 

Helper flag to check new resource allocations.

GFXResource * mNextResource 
GFXDevice * mOwningDevice 
GFXResource * mPrevResource 

Public Functions





The resource should put a description of itself (number of vertices, size/width of texture, etc.) in buffer.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11OcclusionQuery, GFXD3D11QueryFence, GFXD3D11ShaderConstBuffer, GFXCubemap, GFXCubemapArray, GFXGeneralFence, GFXPrimitiveBuffer, GFXShader, GFXStateBlock, GFXTarget, GFXTextureArray, GFXTextureObject, GFXVertexBuffer, GFXGLAppleFence, GFXGLOcclusionQuery, GFXGLShader, GFXGLShaderConstBuffer, GFXGLTextureObject, GFXGLTextureTarget, GFXOcclusionQuery





registerResourceWithDevice(GFXDevice * device)

Registers this resource with the given device.


When called the resource should restore all device sensitive information destroyed by zombify()

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXD3D11CubemapArray, GFXD3D11OcclusionQuery, GFXD3D11PrimitiveBuffer, GFXD3D11QueryFence, GFXD3D11ShaderConstBuffer, GFXD3D11Shader, GFXD3D11StateBlock, GFXD3D11TextureTarget, GFXD3D11WindowTarget, GFXD3D11TextureObject, GFXD3D11VertexBuffer, GFXGeneralFence, GFXGLAppleFence, GFXGLCubemap, GFXGLCubemapArray, GFXGLOcclusionQuery, GFXGLPrimitiveBuffer, GFXGLShader, GFXGLShaderConstBuffer, GFXGLStateBlock, GFXGLTextureObject, GFXGLTextureTarget, GFXGLVertexBuffer, GFXGLWindowTarget, GFXNullTextureObject, GFXNullCubemap, GFXNullCubemapArray, GFXNullVertexBuffer, GFXNullPrimitiveBuffer, GFXNullStateBlock, GFXNullWindowTarget, GFXD3D11TextureArray, GFXGLTextureArray, GFXNullTextureArray, GFXOcclusionQuery, GFXTextureArray



When called the resource should destroy all device sensitive information (e.g. D3D resources in D3DPOOL_DEFAULT.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXD3D11CubemapArray, GFXD3D11OcclusionQuery, GFXD3D11PrimitiveBuffer, GFXD3D11QueryFence, GFXD3D11ShaderConstBuffer, GFXD3D11Shader, GFXD3D11StateBlock, GFXD3D11TextureTarget, GFXD3D11WindowTarget, GFXD3D11TextureObject, GFXD3D11VertexBuffer, GFXGeneralFence, GFXGLAppleFence, GFXGLCubemap, GFXGLCubemapArray, GFXGLOcclusionQuery, GFXGLPrimitiveBuffer, GFXGLShader, GFXGLShaderConstBuffer, GFXGLStateBlock, GFXGLTextureObject, GFXGLTextureTarget, GFXGLVertexBuffer, GFXGLWindowTarget, GFXNullTextureObject, GFXNullCubemap, GFXNullCubemapArray, GFXNullVertexBuffer, GFXNullPrimitiveBuffer, GFXNullStateBlock, GFXNullWindowTarget, GFXD3D11TextureArray, GFXGLTextureArray, GFXNullTextureArray, GFXOcclusionQuery, GFXTextureArray