Render to texture support for OpenGL.
Public User Defined
getTargetDesc(RenderSlot slot)
Functions to query internal state.
Public User Defined
These redirect to our internal implementation.
Public Friends
Protected Attributes
Pointer to our internal implementation.
mTargets [MaxRenderSlotId]
Array of _GFXGLTargetDesc's, an internal struct used to keep track of texture data.
Public Functions
GFXGLTextureTarget(bool genMips)
attachTexture(RenderSlot slot, GFXCubemap * tex, U32 face, U32 mipLevel)
Support binding to cubemaps.
attachTexture(RenderSlot slot, GFXTextureObject * tex, U32 mipLevel, U32 zOffset)
Attach a surface to a given slot as part of this render target.
This is called when the target is not being used anymore.
The resource should put a description of itself (number of vertices, size/width of texture, etc.) in buffer.
resolveTo(GFXTextureObject * tex)
Copy this surface to the passed GFXTextureObject.
Protected Functions
The callback used to get texture events.
Detailed Description
Render to texture support for OpenGL.
This class needs to make a number of assumptions due to the requirements and complexity of render to texture in OpenGL. 1) This class is only guaranteed to work with 2D textures or cubemaps. 3D textures may or may not work. 2) This class does not currently support multiple texture targets. Regardless of how many targets you bind, only Color0 will be used. 3) This class requires that the DepthStencil and Color0 targets have identical dimensions. 4) If the DepthStencil target is GFXTextureTarget::sDefaultStencil, then the Color0 target should be the same size as the current backbuffer and should also be the same format (typically R8G8B8A8)
Public User Defined
getTargetDesc(RenderSlot slot)
Functions to query internal state.
Returns the internal structure for the given slot. This should only be called by our internal implementations.
Public User Defined
These redirect to our internal implementation.
Public Friends
Protected Attributes
AutoPtr< _GFXGLTextureTargetImpl > _impl
Pointer to our internal implementation.
GLuint mCopyFboDst
GLuint mCopyFboSrc
AutoPtr< _GFXGLTargetDesc > mTargets [MaxRenderSlotId]
Array of _GFXGLTargetDesc's, an internal struct used to keep track of texture data.
Public Functions
GFXGLTextureTarget(bool genMips)
attachTexture(RenderSlot slot, GFXCubemap * tex, U32 face, U32 mipLevel)
Reimplemented from: GFXTextureTarget
attachTexture(RenderSlot slot, GFXTextureObject * tex, U32 mipLevel, U32 zOffset)
Reimplemented from: GFXTextureTarget
Reimplemented from: GFXTarget
Reimplemented from: GFXTarget
Reimplemented from: GFXTarget
Reimplemented from: GFXTarget
Reimplemented from: GFXTextureTarget
resolveTo(GFXTextureObject * tex)
Reimplemented from: GFXTarget
Reimplemented from: GFXResource
Reimplemented from: GFXResource
Protected Functions
_onTextureEvent(GFXTexCallbackCode code)
The callback used to get texture events.