GFXDevice is the TSE graphics interface layer.
State tracking variables
TexDirtyType { GFXTDT_Normal GFXTDT_Cube GFXTDT_CubeArray GFXTDT_TextureArray }
Set if ANY state is dirty, including matrices or primitive buffers.
mCurrentCubemapArray [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
mCurrentTextureArray [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
A global forced wireframe mode.
The global vsync state.
The forced shader model version if non-zero.
Disable all hardware occlusion queries causing them to return only the visibile state.
Map< U32, GFXStateBlockRef >
Device management variables
Global GFXDevice.
Resource debug methods
fillResourceVectors(const char * resNames, bool unflaggedOnly, Vector< GFXResource * > & textureObjects, Vector< GFXResource * > & textureTargets, Vector< GFXResource * > & windowTargets, Vector< GFXResource * > & vertexBuffers, Vector< GFXResource * > & primitiveBuffers, Vector< GFXResource * > & fences, Vector< GFXResource * > & cubemaps, Vector< GFXResource * > & shaders, Vector< GFXResource * > & stateblocks)
This is a helper method for describeResourcesToFile.
listResources(bool unflaggedOnly)
Lists how many of each GFX resource (e.g.
Flags all resources GFX is currently aware of.
Clears the flag on all resources GFX is currently aware of.
describeResources(const char * resName, const char * file, bool unflaggedOnly)
Dumps a description of the specified resource types to the console.
Returns the current GFXDeviceStatistics, stats are cleared every ::beginScene call.
Matrix managing variables
Buffer Allocation
These methods are implemented per-device and are called by the GFX layer when a user calls an alloc
note:Primitive Buffers are NOT implemented per device, they wrap index buffers
allocVertexBuffer(U32 numVerts, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat, U32 vertSize, GFXBufferType bufferType, void * data)
This allocates a vertex buffer and returns a pointer to the allocated buffer.
allocVertexDecl(const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat)
Called from GFXVertexFormat to allocate the hardware specific vertex declaration for rendering.
setVertexDecl(const GFXVertexDecl * decl)
Sets the current vertex declaration on the device.
setVertexStream(U32 stream, GFXVertexBuffer * buffer)
Sets the vertex buffer on the device.
setVertexStreamFrequency(U32 stream, U32 frequency)
Set the vertex stream frequency on the device.
allocPrimitiveBuffer(U32 numIndices, U32 numPrimitives, GFXBufferType bufferType, void * data)
This allocates a primitive buffer and returns a pointer to the allocated buffer.
mCurrentVertexBuffer [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
mVertexBufferDirty [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
mVertexBufferFrequency [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
mVertexBufferFrequencyDirty [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
The maximum number of supported vertex streams which may be more than the device supports.
Texture functions
Rendering methods
clearColorAttachment(const U32 attachment, const LinearColorF & color)
setPrimitiveBuffer(GFXPrimitiveBuffer * buffer)
setVertexBuffer(GFXVertexBuffer * buffer, U32 stream, U32 frequency)
Sets the vertex buffer.
setVertexFormat(const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat)
Sets the current vertex format.
drawPrimitive(GFXPrimitiveType primType, U32 vertexStart, U32 primitiveCount)
drawIndexedPrimitive(GFXPrimitiveType primType, U32 startVertex, U32 minIndex, U32 numVerts, U32 startIndex, U32 primitiveCount)
The parameters to drawIndexedPrimitive are somewhat complicated.
drawPrimitive(const GFXPrimitive & prim)
drawPrimitive(U32 primitiveIndex)
General state interface
Sets the dirty Render/Texture/Sampler states from the caching system
Returns the forced global wireframe state.
Returns true if the occlusion query is disabled.
updateStates(bool forceSetAll)
clearTextureStateImmediate(U32 stage)
Stateblock functions
Called by GFXDevice to create a device specific stateblock.
setStateBlockInternal(GFXStateBlock * block, bool force)
Called by GFXDevice to actually set a stateblock.
State Initialization.
State initialization.
Debug Methods
enterDebugEvent(ColorI color, const char * name)
setDebugMarker(ColorI color, const char * name)
const char *
interpretDebugResult(long result)
Video Mode Functions
Enumerates the supported video modes of the device
const Vector< GFXVideoMode > *const
Returns the video mode list.
selectSupportedFormat(GFXTextureProfile * profile, const Vector< GFXFormat > & formats, bool texture, bool mustblend, bool mustfilter)
Returns the first format from the list which meets all the criteria of the texture profile and query options.
Render Target functions
allocRenderToTextureTarget(bool genMips)
Allocate a target for doing render to texture operations, with no depth/stencil buffer.
allocWindowTarget(PlatformWindow * window)
Allocate a target for a given window.
Store the current render target to restore later.
Restore the previous render target.
setActiveRenderTarget(GFXTarget * target, bool updateViewport)
Assign a new active render target.
Returns the current active render target.
Shader functions
setPixelShaderVersion(F32 version)
Returns the number of texture samplers that can be used in a shader rendering pass.
Returns the number of simultaneous render targets supported by the device.
setShaderConstBuffer(GFXShaderConstBuffer * buffer)
Set the buffer! (Actual set happens on the next draw call, just like textures, state blocks, etc)
Creates a new empty shader which must be initialized and deleted by the caller.
Copying methods
copyResource(GFXTextureObject * pDst, GFXCubemap * pSrc, const U32 face)
Texture State Settings
NONE of these should be overridden by API implementations because of the state caching stuff.
setTexture(U32 stage, GFXTextureObject * texture)
setCubeTexture(U32 stage, GFXCubemap * cubemap)
setCubeArrayTexture(U32 stage, GFXCubemapArray * cubemapArray)
setTextureArray(U32 stage, GFXTextureArray * textureArray)
getCurrentTexture(U32 stage)
State Block Interface
createStateBlock(const GFXStateBlockDesc & desc)
Creates a state block object based on the desc passed in.
setStateBlock(GFXStateBlock * block)
Sets the current stateblock (actually activated in ::updateStates)
This sets a stateblock directly from the description structure.
Matrix interface
setWorldMatrix(const MatrixF & newWorld)
Sets the top of the world matrix stack.
Gets the matrix on the top of the world matrix stack.
Pushes the world matrix stack and copies the current top matrix to the new top of the stack.
Pops the world matrix stack.
setProjectionMatrix(const MatrixF & newProj)
Sets the projection matrix.
Gets the projection matrix.
setViewMatrix(const MatrixF & newView)
Sets the view matrix.
Gets the view matrix.
setViewport(const RectI & rect)
Set an area of the target to render to.
Get the current area of the target we will render to.
setClipRect(const RectI & rect)
setFrustum(const Frustum & frust, bool bRotate)
Get the projection frustum.
Return true if the current frustum uses orthographic projection rather than perspective projection.
Public Types
GenericShaderType { GSColor = 0 GSTexture GSModColorTexture GSAddColorTexture GSTargetRestore GS_COUNT }
GFXDeviceEventType { deCreate deInit deDestroy deStartOfFrame deEndOfFrame dePostFrame deStartOfField deLeftStereoFrameRendered deRightStereoFrameRendered deEndOfField }
GFXDeviceLimits { NumStereoPorts = 2 }
GFXDeviceRenderStyles { RS_Standard = 0 RS_StereoSideBySide = (1<<0) RS_StereoSeparate = (1<<1) }
Signal< bool(GFXDeviceEventType)>
Public Friends
Private Attributes
Adapter for this device.
Protected Attributes
Set if we're in a mode where we want rendering to occur.
Set once the device is active.
The CardProfiler for this device.
The style of rendering that is to be performed, based on GFXDeviceRenderStyles.
The current render target which may or may not not be yet activated.
Current stereo target being rendered to.
This will allow querying to see if a device is initialized and ready to have operations performed on it.
mInverseStereoEyeTransforms [NumStereoPorts]
Inverse of mStereoEyeTransforms.
Head of the resource list.
This tracks a previously activated render target which need to be deactivated.
This is set when the current and/or deactivate render targets have changed and the device need to update its state on the next draw/clear.
A stack of previously active render targets.
mStereoEyeOffset [NumStereoPorts]
Eye offset used when using a stereo rendering style.
mStereoEyeTransforms [NumStereoPorts]
Left and right matrix for eyes.
Center matrix for head.
mStereoTargets [NumStereoPorts]
Destination targets for stereo rendering.
mStereoViewports [NumStereoPorts]
Destination viewports for stereo rendering.
List of valid video modes for this device.
If true the viewport has been changed and it must be updated on the next draw/clear.
Public Static Functions
Protected Functions
Updates the render targets and viewport in a device specific manner when they are dirty.
Notify GFXDevice that we are initialized.
This is called before this, or any other device, is deleted in the global destroy() method.
setAdapter(const GFXAdapter & adapter)
Set the adapter that this device is using. For use by GFXInit::createDevice only.
Called by base GFXDevice to actually set a const buffer.
setTextureInternal(U32 textureUnit, const GFXTextureObject * texture)
Public Functions
activateStereoTarget(S32 eyeId)
Activates a stereo render target, setting the correct viewport to render eye contents.
Returns true if the scene has begun and its safe to make rendering calls.
GFXFence *
Allocate a fence.
Returns a hardware occlusion query object or NULL if this device does not support them.
dumpStates(const char * fileName)
This is a method designed for debugging.
Returns the Adapter that was used to create this device.
Returns active graphics adapter type.
Retrieve the current rendering style based on GFXDeviceRenderStyles.
Retrieve the current stereo target being rendered to.
Swizzle to convert 24bpp bitmaps from RGB to the native device format.
Swizzle to convert 32bpp bitmaps from RGBA to the native device format.
Get access to this device's drawing utility class.
Get the fill convention for this device.
Get the current eye offset used during stereo rendering.
Get the current eye offset used during stereo rendering.
Returns the scale for converting world space units to screen space units...
init(const GFXVideoMode & mode, PlatformWindow * window)
Initialize this GFXDevice, optionally specifying a platform window to bind to.
setAllowRender(bool render)
setCurrentRenderStyle(U32 style)
Set the current rendering style, based on GFXDeviceRenderStyles.
setCurrentStereoTarget(const F32 targetId)
Set the current stereo target being rendered to (in case we're doing anything with postfx)
setStereoEyeOffsets(Point3F * offsets)
Set the current eye offset used during stereo rendering.
setStereoEyeTransforms(MatrixF * transforms)
setStereoFovPort(const FovPort * ports)
Set the current eye offset used during stereo rendering. Assumes NumStereoPorts are available.
setStereoHeadTransform(const MatrixF & mat)
Sets the head matrix for stereo rendering.
setStereoTargets(GFXTextureTarget ** targets)
Sets stereo render targets.
setSteroViewports(const RectI * ports)
Sets stereo viewports.
This is a helper function to set a default shader for rendering GUI elements on systems which do not support fixed-function operations as well as for things which need just generic position/texture/color shaders.
Detailed Description
GFXDevice is the TSE graphics interface layer.
This allows the TSE to do many things, such as use multiple render devices for multi-head systems, and allow a game to render in DirectX 9, OpenGL or any other API which has a GFX implementation seamlessly. There are many concepts in GFX device which may not be familiar to you, especially if you have not used DirectX.
Buffers There are three types of buffers in GFX: vertex, index and primitive. Please note that index buffers are not accessable outside the GFX layer, they are wrapped by primitive buffers. Primitive buffers will be explained in detail later. Buffers are allocated and deallocated using their associated allocXBuffer and freeXBuffer methods on the device. When a buffer is allocated you pass in a pointer to, depending on the buffer, a vertex type pointer or a U16 pointer. During allocation, this pointer is set to the address of where you should copy in the information for this buffer. You must the tell the GFXDevice that the information is in, and it should prepare the buffer for use by calling the prepare method on it. Dynamic vertex buffer example:
GFXVertexP *verts; // Making a buffer containing verticies with only position // Allocate a dynamic vertex buffer to hold 3 vertices and use *verts as the location to copy information into GFXVertexBufferHandle vb = GFX->allocVertexBuffer( 3, &verts, true ); // Now set the information, we're making a triangle verts[0].point = Point3F( 200.f, 200.f, 0.f ); verts[1].point = Point3F( 200.f, 400.f, 0.f ); verts[2].point = Point3F( 400.f, 200.f, 0.f ); // Tell GFX that the information is in and it should be made ready for use // Note that nothing is done with verts, this should not and MUST NOT be deleted // stored, or otherwise used after prepare is called. GFX->prepare( vb ); // Because this is a dynamic vertex buffer, it is only assured to be valid until someone // else allocates a dynamic vertex buffer, so we will render it now GFX->setVertexBuffer( vb ); GFX->drawPrimitive( GFXTriangleStrip, 0, 1 ); // Now because this is a dynamic vertex buffer it MUST NOT BE FREED you are only // given a handle to a vertex buffer which belongs to the device
To use a static vertex buffer, it is very similar, this is an example using a static primitive buffer:
This takes place inside a constructor for a class which has a member variable called mPB which is the primitive buffer for the class instance.
U16 *idx; // This is going to be where to write indices GFXPrimitiveInfo *primitiveInfo; // This will be where to write primitive information // Allocate a primitive buffer with 4 indices, and 1 primitive described for use mPB = GFX->allocPrimitiveBuffer( 4, &idx, 1, &primitiveInfo ); // Write the index information, this is going to be for the outline of a triangle using // a line strip idx[0] = 0; idx[1] = 1; idx[2] = 2; idx[3] = 0; // Write the information for the primitive primitiveInfo->indexStart = 0; // Starting with index 0 primitiveInfo->minVertex = 0; // The minimum vertex index is 0 primitiveInfo->maxVertex = 3; // The maximum vertex index is 3 primitiveInfo->primitiveCount = 3; // There are 3 lines we are drawing primitiveInfo->type = GFXLineStrip; // This primitive info describes a line stripThe following code takes place in the destructor for the same class
// Because this is a static buffer it's our responsibility to free it when we are done GFX->freePrimitiveBuffer( mPB );This last bit takes place in the rendering function for the class
// You need to set a vertex buffer as well, primitive buffers contain indexing // information, not vertex information. This is so you could have, say, a static // vertex buffer, and a dynamic primitive buffer. // This sets the primitive buffer to the static buffer we allocated in the constructor GFX->setPrimitiveBuffer( mPB ); // Draw the first primitive contained in the set primitive buffer, our primitive buffer // has only one primitive, so we could also technically call GFX->drawPrimitives(); and // get the same result. GFX->drawPrimitive( 0 );If you need any more examples on how to use these buffers please see the rest of the engine.
Primitive Buffers
Primitive buffers wrap and extend the concept of index buffers. The purpose of a primitive buffer is to let objects store all information they have to render their primitives in a central place. Say that a shape is made up of triangle strips and triangle fans, it would still have only one primitive buffer which contained primitive information for each strip and fan. It could then draw itself with one call.
State tracking variables
- GFXTDT_Normal
- GFXTDT_CubeArray
- GFXTDT_TextureArray
bool mStateDirty
Set if ANY state is dirty, including matrices or primitive buffers.
GFXTexHandle mCurrentTexture [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
GFXCubemapHandle mCurrentCubemap [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
GFXCubemapHandle mNewCubemap [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
GFXCubemapArrayHandle mCurrentCubemapArray [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
GFXCubemapArrayHandle mNewCubemapArray [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
GFXTextureArrayHandle mCurrentTextureArray [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
GFXTextureArrayHandle mNewTextureArray [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
bool mTextureDirty [GFX_TEXTURE_STAGE_COUNT]
bool mTexturesDirty
StateBlockMap mCurrentStateBlocks
bool mStateBlockDirty
GFXStateBlockRef mCurrentStateBlock
GFXStateBlockRef mNewStateBlock
GFXShaderConstBuffer * mCurrentShaderConstBuffer
bool smWireframe
A global forced wireframe mode.
bool smDisableVSync
The global vsync state.
F32 smForcedPixVersion
The forced shader model version if non-zero.
bool smDisableOcclusionQuery
Disable all hardware occlusion queries causing them to return only the visibile state.
typedef Map< U32, GFXStateBlockRef > StateBlockMap
Device management variables
GFXDevice * smGFXDevice
Global GFXDevice.
Resource debug methods
fillResourceVectors(const char * resNames, bool unflaggedOnly, Vector< GFXResource * > & textureObjects, Vector< GFXResource * > & textureTargets, Vector< GFXResource * > & windowTargets, Vector< GFXResource * > & vertexBuffers, Vector< GFXResource * > & primitiveBuffers, Vector< GFXResource * > & fences, Vector< GFXResource * > & cubemaps, Vector< GFXResource * > & shaders, Vector< GFXResource * > & stateblocks)
This is a helper method for describeResourcesToFile.
It walks through the GFXResource list and sorts it by item type, putting the resources into the proper vector.
listResources(bool unflaggedOnly)
Lists how many of each GFX resource (e.g.
textures, texture targets, shaders, etc.) GFX is aware of Parameters:
unflaggedOnly | If true, this method only counts unflagged resources |
Flags all resources GFX is currently aware of.
Clears the flag on all resources GFX is currently aware of.
describeResources(const char * resName, const char * file, bool unflaggedOnly)
Dumps a description of the specified resource types to the console.
resNames | A string of space separated class names (e.g. "GFXTextureObject GFXTextureTarget GFXShader") to describe to the console |
file | A path to the file to write the descriptions to. If it is NULL or "", descriptions are written to the console. |
unflaggedOnly | If true, this method only counts unflagged resources |
note:resNames is case sensitive because there is no dStristr function.
Returns the current GFXDeviceStatistics, stats are cleared every ::beginScene call.
GFXDeviceStatistics mDeviceStatistics
Matrix managing variables
MatrixF mWorldMatrix [GFX_WORLD_STACK_MAX]
S32 mWorldStackSize
MatrixF mProjectionMatrix
MatrixF mViewMatrix
Current frustum planes
Frustum mFrustum
Buffer Allocation
These methods are implemented per-device and are called by the GFX layer when a user calls an alloc
note:Primitive Buffers are NOT implemented per device, they wrap index buffers
allocVertexBuffer(U32 numVerts, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat, U32 vertSize, GFXBufferType bufferType, void * data)
This allocates a vertex buffer and returns a pointer to the allocated buffer.
This function should not be called directly - rather it should be used by the GFXVertexBufferHandle class.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
allocVertexDecl(const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat)
Called from GFXVertexFormat to allocate the hardware specific vertex declaration for rendering.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setVertexDecl(const GFXVertexDecl * decl)
Sets the current vertex declaration on the device.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setVertexStream(U32 stream, GFXVertexBuffer * buffer)
Sets the vertex buffer on the device.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setVertexStreamFrequency(U32 stream, U32 frequency)
Set the vertex stream frequency on the device.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
allocPrimitiveBuffer(U32 numIndices, U32 numPrimitives, GFXBufferType bufferType, void * data)
This allocates a primitive buffer and returns a pointer to the allocated buffer.
A primitive buffer's type argument refers to the index data - the primitive data will always be preserved from call to call.
note:All index buffers use unsigned 16-bit indices.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
StrongRefPtr< GFXVertexBuffer > mCurrentVertexBuffer [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
bool mVertexBufferDirty [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
U32 mVertexBufferFrequency [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
bool mVertexBufferFrequencyDirty [VERTEX_STREAM_COUNT]
const GFXVertexDecl * mCurrVertexDecl
bool mVertexDeclDirty
StrongRefPtr< GFXPrimitiveBuffer > mCurrentPrimitiveBuffer
bool mPrimitiveBufferDirty
The maximum number of supported vertex streams which may be more than the device supports.
Texture functions
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
GFXTextureManager * mTextureManager
Rendering methods
clear(U32 flags, const LinearColorF & color, F32 z, U32 stencil)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
clearColorAttachment(const U32 attachment, const LinearColorF & color)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setPrimitiveBuffer(GFXPrimitiveBuffer * buffer)
setVertexBuffer(GFXVertexBuffer * buffer, U32 stream, U32 frequency)
Sets the vertex buffer.
When setting the stream 0 vertex buffer it will automatically set its associated vertex format as the active format.
buffer | The vertex buffer or NULL to clear the buffer. |
stream | The stream index of the vertex source stream to place the buffer. |
frequency | The stream frequency of the vertex buffer. |
setVertexFormat(const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat)
Sets the current vertex format.
This should only be used if the vertex format of the stream 0 vertex buffer is different from the one associated to it. Typically this is used when rendering from multiple vertex streams.
drawPrimitive(GFXPrimitiveType primType, U32 vertexStart, U32 primitiveCount)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
drawIndexedPrimitive(GFXPrimitiveType primType, U32 startVertex, U32 minIndex, U32 numVerts, U32 startIndex, U32 primitiveCount)
The parameters to drawIndexedPrimitive are somewhat complicated.
From a raw-data stand point they evaluate to something like the following:
U16 indicies[] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2 }; Point3F verts[] = { Point3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), Point3F( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), Point3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) }; GFX->drawIndexedPrimitive( GFXLineList, // Drawing a list of lines, each line is two verts 0, // vertex 0 will be referenced so minIndex = 0 3, // 3 verticies will be used for this draw call 1, // We want index 1 to be the first index used, so indicies 1-6 will be used 3 // Drawing 3 LineList primitives, meaning 6 verts will be drawn ); U16 *idxPtr = &indicies[1]; // 1 = startIndex, so the pointer is offset such that: // idxPtr[0] is the same as indicies[1] U32 numVertsToDrawFromBuffer = primitiveCount * 2; // 2 verts define a line in the GFXLineList primitive type (6)
primType | Type of primitive to draw |
startVertex | This defines index zero. Its the offset from the start of the vertex buffer to the first vertex. |
minIndex | The smallest index into the vertex stream which will be used for this draw call. This is a zero based index relative to startVertex. It is strictly a performance hint for implementations. No vertex below minIndex will be referenced by this draw call. For device implementors, this should not be used to offset the vertex buffer, or index buffer. |
numVerts | The number of verticies which will be referenced in this draw call. This is not the number of verticies which will be drawn. That is a function of 'primType' and 'primitiveCount'. |
startIndex | An offset from the start of the index buffer to specify where to start. If 'idxBuffer' is a pointer to an array of integers, this could be written as int *offsetIdx = idxBuffer + startIndex; |
primitiveCount | The number of primitives of type 'primType' to draw. |
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
drawPrimitive(const GFXPrimitive & prim)
drawPrimitive(U32 primitiveIndex)
PlatformTimer * mFrameTime
General state interface
Sets the dirty Render/Texture/Sampler states from the caching system
Returns the forced global wireframe state.
Returns true if the occlusion query is disabled.
updateStates(bool forceSetAll)
clearTextureStateImmediate(U32 stage)
Stateblock functions
createStateBlockInternal(const GFXStateBlockDesc & desc)
Called by GFXDevice to create a device specific stateblock.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setStateBlockInternal(GFXStateBlock * block, bool force)
Called by GFXDevice to actually set a stateblock.
force | If true, set all states |
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
State Initialization.
State initialization.
This MUST BE CALLED in setVideoMode after the device is created.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Debug Methods
enterDebugEvent(ColorI color, const char * name)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setDebugMarker(ColorI color, const char * name)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
interpretDebugResult(long result)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice
Video Mode Functions
Enumerates the supported video modes of the device
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Returns the video mode list.
selectSupportedFormat(GFXTextureProfile * profile, const Vector< GFXFormat > & formats, bool texture, bool mustblend, bool mustfilter)
Returns the first format from the list which meets all the criteria of the texture profile and query options.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Render Target functions
allocRenderToTextureTarget(bool genMips)
Allocate a target for doing render to texture operations, with no depth/stencil buffer.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
allocWindowTarget(PlatformWindow * window)
Allocate a target for a given window.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Store the current render target to restore later.
Restore the previous render target.
setActiveRenderTarget(GFXTarget * target, bool updateViewport)
Assign a new active render target.
Returns the current active render target.
Shader functions
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setPixelShaderVersion(F32 version)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Returns the number of texture samplers that can be used in a shader rendering pass.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Returns the number of simultaneous render targets supported by the device.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setShader(GFXShader * shader, bool force)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice
setShaderConstBuffer(GFXShaderConstBuffer * buffer)
Set the buffer! (Actual set happens on the next draw call, just like textures, state blocks, etc)
Creates a new empty shader which must be initialized and deleted by the caller.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Copying methods
copyResource(GFXTextureObject * pDst, GFXCubemap * pSrc, const U32 face)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Texture State Settings
NONE of these should be overridden by API implementations because of the state caching stuff.
setTexture(U32 stage, GFXTextureObject * texture)
setCubeTexture(U32 stage, GFXCubemap * cubemap)
setCubeArrayTexture(U32 stage, GFXCubemapArray * cubemapArray)
setTextureArray(U32 stage, GFXTextureArray * textureArray)
getCurrentTexture(U32 stage)
State Block Interface
createStateBlock(const GFXStateBlockDesc & desc)
Creates a state block object based on the desc passed in.
This object represents an immutable state.
setStateBlock(GFXStateBlock * block)
Sets the current stateblock (actually activated in ::updateStates)
setStateBlockByDesc(const GFXStateBlockDesc & desc)
This sets a stateblock directly from the description structure.
Its acceptable to use this for debug rendering and other low frequency rendering tasks.
Matrix interface
setWorldMatrix(const MatrixF & newWorld)
Sets the top of the world matrix stack.
newWorld | New world matrix to set |
Gets the matrix on the top of the world matrix stack.
Pushes the world matrix stack and copies the current top matrix to the new top of the stack.
Pops the world matrix stack.
setProjectionMatrix(const MatrixF & newProj)
Sets the projection matrix.
newProj | New projection matrix to set |
Gets the projection matrix.
setViewMatrix(const MatrixF & newView)
Sets the view matrix.
newView | New view matrix to set |
Gets the view matrix.
multWorld(const MatrixF & mat)
Multiplies the matrix at the top of the world matrix stack by a matrix and replaces the top of the matrix stack with the result.
mat | Matrix to multiply |
setTextureMatrix(const U32 stage, const MatrixF & texMat)
Set texture matrix for a sampler.
setViewport(const RectI & rect)
Set an area of the target to render to.
Get the current area of the target we will render to.
setClipRect(const RectI & rect)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setFrustum(F32 left, F32 right, F32 bottom, F32 top, F32 nearPlane, F32 farPlane, bool bRotate)
Set the projection frustum.
setFrustum(const Frustum & frust, bool bRotate)
getFrustum(F32 * left, F32 * right, F32 * bottom, F32 * top, F32 * nearPlane, F32 * farPlane, bool * isOrtho)
Get the projection frustum.
Get the projection frustum.
setOrtho(F32 left, F32 right, F32 bottom, F32 top, F32 nearPlane, F32 farPlane, bool doRotate)
This will construct and apply an orthographic projection matrix with the provided parameters.
doRotate | If set to true, the resulting matrix will be rotated PI/2 around the X axis |
Return true if the current frustum uses orthographic projection rather than perspective projection.
Public Types
- GSColor = 0
- GSTexture
- GSModColorTexture
- GSAddColorTexture
- GSTargetRestore
- deCreate
The device has been created, but not initialized.
- deInit
The device has been initialized.
- deDestroy
The device is about to be destroyed.
- deStartOfFrame
The device has started rendering a frame.
- deEndOfFrame
The device is about to finish rendering a frame.
- dePostFrame
The device has rendered a frame and ended the scene.
- deStartOfField
The device has started rendering a frame's field (such as for side-by-side rendering)
- deLeftStereoFrameRendered
left stereo frame has been rendered
- deRightStereoFrameRendered
right stereo frame has been rendered
- deEndOfField
The device is about to finish rendering a frame's field.
- NumStereoPorts = 2
- RS_Standard = 0
- RS_StereoSideBySide = (1<<0)
- RS_StereoSeparate = (1<<1)
typedef Signal< bool(GFXDeviceEventType)> DeviceEventSignal
Public Friends
Private Attributes
GFXAdapter mAdapter
Adapter for this device.
Protected Attributes
bool mAllowRender
Set if we're in a mode where we want rendering to occur.
bool mCanCurrentlyRender
Set once the device is active.
GFXCardProfiler * mCardProfiler
The CardProfiler for this device.
U32 mCurrentRenderStyle
The style of rendering that is to be performed, based on GFXDeviceRenderStyles.
GFXTargetRef mCurrentRT
The current render target which may or may not not be yet activated.
S32 mCurrentStereoTarget
Current stereo target being rendered to.
Swizzle< U8, 3 > * mDeviceSwizzle24
Swizzle< U8, 4 > * mDeviceSwizzle32
GFXDrawUtil * mDrawer
FovPort mFovPorts [NumStereoPorts]
Fov port settings.
bool mInitialized
This will allow querying to see if a device is initialized and ready to have operations performed on it.
MatrixF mInverseStereoEyeTransforms [NumStereoPorts]
Inverse of mStereoEyeTransforms.
bool mReset
GFXResource * mResourceListHead
Head of the resource list.
GFXTargetRef mRTDeactivate
This tracks a previously activated render target which need to be deactivated.
bool mRTDirty
This is set when the current and/or deactivate render targets have changed and the device need to update its state on the next draw/clear.
Vector< GFXTargetRef > mRTStack
A stack of previously active render targets.
Point3F mStereoEyeOffset [NumStereoPorts]
Eye offset used when using a stereo rendering style.
MatrixF mStereoEyeTransforms [NumStereoPorts]
Left and right matrix for eyes.
MatrixF mStereoHeadTransform
Center matrix for head.
GFXTextureTarget * mStereoTargets [NumStereoPorts]
Destination targets for stereo rendering.
RectI mStereoViewports [NumStereoPorts]
Destination viewports for stereo rendering.
Vector< GFXVideoMode > mVideoModes
List of valid video modes for this device.
RectI mViewport
The current viewport rect.
bool mViewportDirty
If true the viewport has been changed and it must be updated on the next draw/clear.
Public Static Functions
Protected Functions
Updates the render targets and viewport in a device specific manner when they are dirty.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Notify GFXDevice that we are initialized.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
This is called before this, or any other device, is deleted in the global destroy() method.
It allows the device to clean up anything while everything is still valid.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setAdapter(const GFXAdapter & adapter)
Set the adapter that this device is using. For use by GFXInit::createDevice only.
setShaderConstBufferInternal(GFXShaderConstBuffer * buffer)
Called by base GFXDevice to actually set a const buffer.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setTextureInternal(U32 textureUnit, const GFXTextureObject * texture)
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Public Functions
activateStereoTarget(S32 eyeId)
Activates a stereo render target, setting the correct viewport to render eye contents.
If eyeId is -1, set a viewport encompassing the entire size of the render targets.
Returns true if the scene has begun and its safe to make rendering calls.
Allocate a fence.
The API specific implementation of GFXDevice is responsible to make sure that the proper type is used. GFXGeneralFence should work in all cases.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Returns a hardware occlusion query object or NULL if this device does not support them.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device
dumpStates(const char * fileName)
This is a method designed for debugging.
It will allow you to dump the states in the render manager out to a file so that it can be diffed and examined.
Returns the Adapter that was used to create this device.
Returns active graphics adapter type.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Retrieve the current rendering style based on GFXDeviceRenderStyles.
Retrieve the current stereo target being rendered to.
Swizzle to convert 24bpp bitmaps from RGB to the native device format.
Swizzle to convert 32bpp bitmaps from RGBA to the native device format.
Get access to this device's drawing utility class.
Get the fill convention for this device.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
Get the current eye offset used during stereo rendering.
Get the current eye offset used during stereo rendering.
Returns the scale for converting world space units to screen space units...
aka pixels.
This is the true scale which is best used for GUI drawing. For doing lod calculations you should be using the functions in SceneState which is adjusted for special cases like shadows and reflections.
init(const GFXVideoMode & mode, PlatformWindow * window)
Initialize this GFXDevice, optionally specifying a platform window to bind to.
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice, GFXNullDevice
setAllowRender(bool render)
setCurrentRenderStyle(U32 style)
Set the current rendering style, based on GFXDeviceRenderStyles.
setCurrentStereoTarget(const F32 targetId)
Set the current stereo target being rendered to (in case we're doing anything with postfx)
setStereoEyeOffsets(Point3F * offsets)
Set the current eye offset used during stereo rendering.
setStereoEyeTransforms(MatrixF * transforms)
setStereoFovPort(const FovPort * ports)
Set the current eye offset used during stereo rendering. Assumes NumStereoPorts are available.
setStereoHeadTransform(const MatrixF & mat)
Sets the head matrix for stereo rendering.
setStereoTargets(GFXTextureTarget ** targets)
Sets stereo render targets.
setSteroViewports(const RectI * ports)
Sets stereo viewports.
setupGenericShaders(GenericShaderType type)
This is a helper function to set a default shader for rendering GUI elements on systems which do not support fixed-function operations as well as for things which need just generic position/texture/color shaders.
type | Type of generic shader, add your own if you need |
Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Device, GFXGLDevice