


Public Friends

Protected Attributes

The path to the cubemap file.

Protected Functions

Sets the cubemap file path.

Public Functions

The resource should put a description of itself (number of vertices, size/width of texture, etc.) in buffer.

Returns the face texture format.

Get the number of mip maps.

Returns the cubemap file path set at creation.

Returns the size of the faces.

initDynamic(U32 texSize, GFXFormat faceFormat, U32 mipLevels)

create dynamic cubemap. mipLevels 0 is auto create mips, otherwise the value is how many mip levels you wish the cubemap to have

Create a static cubemap from a DDS cubemap file.

Create a static cubemap from a list of 6 face textures.


Returns if this cubemap has been initialized.

Public Static Functions

Get Z up face index of the cubemap. DDS files will be stored Y up.

Detailed Description

Public Friends

Protected Attributes

bool mInitialized 
U32 mMipMapLevels 
String mPath 

The path to the cubemap file.

Protected Functions

_setPath(const String & path)

Sets the cubemap file path.

setToTexUnit(U32 tuNum)

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap, GFXNullCubemap

Public Functions




Reimplemented from: GFXResource


Returns the face texture format.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap, GFXNullCubemap


Get the number of mip maps.


Returns the cubemap file path set at creation.


Returns the size of the faces.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap, GFXNullCubemap

initDynamic(U32 texSize, GFXFormat faceFormat, U32 mipLevels)

create dynamic cubemap. mipLevels 0 is auto create mips, otherwise the value is how many mip levels you wish the cubemap to have

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap, GFXNullCubemap

initNormalize(U32 size)

initStatic(DDSFile * dds)

Create a static cubemap from a DDS cubemap file.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap, GFXNullCubemap

initStatic(GFXTexHandle * faces)

Create a static cubemap from a list of 6 face textures.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap, GFXNullCubemap


Returns if this cubemap has been initialized.

Reimplemented by: GFXD3D11Cubemap, GFXGLCubemap

Public Static Functions

zUpFaceIndex(const U32 index)

Get Z up face index of the cubemap. DDS files will be stored Y up.