Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / ConnectionStringTable



Maintain a table of strings which are shared across the network.



Public Types

Constants {
  EntryCount = 32
  EntryBitSize = 5
  InvalidEntryId = 32

Private Attributes

mEntryTable [EntryCount]
Entry *
mHashTable [EntryCount]

Connection over which we are maintaining this string table.

Private Functions

pushBack(Entry * entry)

Public Functions

Initialize the connection string table.

checkString(NetStringHandle & stringTableId, bool * stringOnOtherSide)

Checks if the global string ID is.

Has the specified string been received on the other side?

getNetSendId(NetStringHandle & stringTableId)

currently valid for this connection and returns the table ID.

was just sent over the net to the corresponding net ID.

mapString(U32 netId, NetStringHandle & string)

but will assert if the string is not valid.

Detailed Description

Maintain a table of strings which are shared across the network.

This allows us to reference strings in our network streams more efficiently.

Demo functionality

readDemoStartBlock(BitStream * stream)

writeDemoStartBlock(ResizeBitStream * stream)

Public Types



EntryCount = 32
EntryBitSize = 5
InvalidEntryId = 32

Private Attributes

Entry mEntryTable [EntryCount]
Entry * mHashTable [EntryCount]
Entry mLRUHead 
Entry mLRUTail 
NetConnection * mParent 

Connection over which we are maintaining this string table.

NetStringHandle mRemoteStringTable [EntryCount]

Private Functions

pushBack(Entry * entry)

Public Functions

ConnectionStringTable(NetConnection * parent)

Initialize the connection string table.



Connection over which we are maintaining this string table.

checkString(NetStringHandle & stringTableId, bool * stringOnOtherSide)

Checks if the global string ID is.

confirmStringReceived(NetStringHandle & string, U32 index)

Has the specified string been received on the other side?

getNetSendId(NetStringHandle & stringTableId)

currently valid for this connection and returns the table ID.

Sends a string event to the other side if it is not active. It will fill in stringOnOtherSide. Same return value as checkString

lookupString(U32 netId)

was just sent over the net to the corresponding net ID.

mapString(U32 netId, NetStringHandle & string)

but will assert if the string is not valid.

Maps a string that