

The shared base class used by the catmull rom interpolation template class.


Protected Static Attributes

Protected Attributes

The number of points and times.

F32 *

the length of each curve segment.

F32 *

The time to arrive at each point.

The total length of curve.

Protected Functions

Public Functions

arcLength(F32 t1, F32 t2)

Find length of curve between parameters t1 and t2.

Clean out all the data.

Get the total length of the curve.

Get the closest previous control point to time t.

getTime(U32 idx)

Returns the time at idx (rather than at a F32 time)

Find length of curve segment between parameters u1 and u2.

Detailed Description

The shared base class used by the catmull rom interpolation template class.

Protected Static Attributes

const F32 smC []
const F32 smX []

Protected Attributes

U32 mCount 

The number of points and times.

F32 * mLengths 

the length of each curve segment.

F32 * mTimes 

The time to arrive at each point.

F32 mTotalLength 

The total length of curve.

Protected Functions



_initialize(U32 count, const F32 * times)

Public Functions

arcLength(F32 t1, F32 t2)

Find length of curve between parameters t1 and t2.


Clean out all the data.

Reimplemented by: CatmullRom


Get the total length of the curve.

getPrevNode(F32 t)

Get the closest previous control point to time t.

getTime(U32 idx)

Returns the time at idx (rather than at a F32 time)

segmentArcLength(U32 i, F32 u1, F32 u2)

Find length of curve segment between parameters u1 and u2.

Reimplemented by: CatmullRom