Protected Attributes
char *
Public Friends
Public Static Functions
dumbDownNormal(const Point3F & vec, S32 bitCount)
getPacketStream(U32 writeSize)
sendPacketStream(const NetAddress * addr)
Public Functions
U8 *
Gets the position in the stream.
Gets the size of the stream.
hasCapability(const caps)
Checks to see if this stream has the capability of a given function.
readClassId(U32 classType, U32 classGroup)
readCompressedPoint(Point3F * p, F32 scale)
readNormalVector(Point3F * vec, S32 bitCount)
readRangedF32(F32 min, F32 max, U32 numBits)
Reads a ranged floating point value written with writeRangedF32.
readRangedS32(S32 min, S32 max)
Reads a ranged signed integer written with writeRangedS32.
readRangedU32(U32 rangeStart, U32 rangeEnd)
readSignedFloat(S32 bitCount)
readSignedInt(S32 bitCount)
readString(char stringBuf)
Reads a string of maximum 255 characters long.
readVector(Point3F * outVec, F32 maxMag, S32 magBits, S32 normalBits)
Reads a compressed vector.
setPosition(const U32 in_newPosition)
Sets the position of the stream. Returns if the new position is valid or not.
setStringBuffer(char buffer)
writeClassId(U32 classId, U32 classType, U32 classGroup)
writeCompressedPoint(const Point3F & p, F32 scale)
writeCussedU32(U32 val)
Use this method to write out values in a concise but ass backwards way...
writeFlag(bool val)
writeFloat(F32 f, S32 bitCount)
writeNormalVector(const Point3F & vec, S32 bitCount)
writeRangedF32(F32 value, F32 min, F32 max, U32 numBits)
Writes a clamped floating point value to the stream with the desired bits of precision.
writeRangedS32(S32 value, S32 min, S32 max)
Writes a clamped signed integer to the stream using an optimal amount of bits for the range.
writeRangedU32(U32 value, U32 rangeStart, U32 rangeEnd)
writeSignedFloat(F32 f, S32 bitCount)
writeSignedInt(S32 value, S32 bitCount)
writeString(const char * stringBuf, S32 maxLen)
Writes a string to the stream.
Detailed Description
Protected Attributes
S32 bitNum
S32 bufSize
bool error
S32 maxReadBitNum
S32 maxWriteBitNum
Point3F mCompressPoint
U8 * mDataPtr
char * stringBuffer
Public Friends
Public Static Functions
dumbDownNormal(const Point3F & vec, S32 bitCount)
getPacketStream(U32 writeSize)
sendPacketStream(const NetAddress * addr)
Public Functions
BitStream(void * bufPtr, S32 bufSize, S32 maxWriteSize)
_read(const U32 size, void * d)
Reimplemented from: Stream
_write(const U32 size, const void * d)
Reimplemented from: Stream
Reimplemented from: Stream
Reimplemented from: Stream
hasCapability(const caps)
Reimplemented from: Stream
readAffineTransform(MatrixF * )
readBits(BitVector * bitvec)
readBits(S32 bitCount, void * bitPtr)
readClassId(U32 classType, U32 classGroup)
readCompressedPoint(Point3F * p, F32 scale)
readFloat(S32 bitCount)
readInt(S32 bitCount)
readNormalVector(Point3F * vec, S32 bitCount)
readQuat(QuatF * outQuat, U32 bitCount)
Reads a quaternion written with writeQuat.
quat | The quaternion that was read. |
bitCount | The the storage space for the packed components of the quaternion. Must match the bitCount at write. |
readRangedF32(F32 min, F32 max, U32 numBits)
Reads a ranged floating point value written with writeRangedF32.
readRangedS32(S32 min, S32 max)
Reads a ranged signed integer written with writeRangedS32.
readRangedU32(U32 rangeStart, U32 rangeEnd)
readSignedFloat(S32 bitCount)
readSignedInt(S32 bitCount)
readString(char stringBuf)
Reimplemented from: Stream
readVector(Point3F * outVec, F32 maxMag, S32 magBits, S32 normalBits)
Reads a compressed vector.
setBit(S32 bitCount, bool set)
setBuffer(void * bufPtr, S32 bufSize, S32 maxSize)
setCompressionPoint(const Point3F & p)
setCurPos(const U32)
setPosition(const U32 in_newPosition)
Reimplemented from: Stream
setStringBuffer(char buffer)
testBit(S32 bitCount)
writeAffineTransform(const MatrixF & )
writeBits(const BitVector & bitvec)
writeBits(S32 bitCount, const void * bitPtr)
Reimplemented by: InfiniteBitStream
writeClassId(U32 classId, U32 classType, U32 classGroup)
writeCompressedPoint(const Point3F & p, F32 scale)
writeCussedU32(U32 val)
Use this method to write out values in a concise but ass backwards way...
Good for values you expect to be frequently zero, often small. Worst case this will bloat values by nearly 20% (5 extra bits!) Best case you'll get one bit (if it's zero).
This is not so much for efficiency's sake, as to make life painful for people that want to reverse engineer our network or file formats.
writeFlag(bool val)
Reimplemented by: InfiniteBitStream
writeFlag(U32 val)
writeFlag(void * val)
writeFloat(F32 f, S32 bitCount)
writeInt(S32 value, S32 bitCount)
writeNormalVector(const Point3F & vec, S32 bitCount)
writeQuat(const QuatF & quat, U32 bitCount)
Writes a quaternion in a lossy compressed format that is ( bitCount * 3 ) + 2 bits in size.
quat | The normalized quaternion to write. |
bitCount | The the storage space for the packed components of the quaternion. |
writeRangedF32(F32 value, F32 min, F32 max, U32 numBits)
Writes a clamped floating point value to the stream with the desired bits of precision.
writeRangedS32(S32 value, S32 min, S32 max)
Writes a clamped signed integer to the stream using an optimal amount of bits for the range.
writeRangedU32(U32 value, U32 rangeStart, U32 rangeEnd)
writeSignedFloat(F32 f, S32 bitCount)
writeSignedInt(S32 value, S32 bitCount)
writeString(const char * stringBuf, S32 maxLen)
Reimplemented from: Stream
writeVector(Point3F vec, F32 maxMag, S32 magBits, S32 normalBits)
Writes a compressed vector as separate magnitude and normal components.
The final space used depends on the content of the vector.
1 bit is used to skip over zero length vectors.
1 bit is used to mark if the magnitude exceeds max.
The magnitude as: a. magBits if less than maxMag. b. a full 32bit value if greater than maxMag.
The normal as a phi and theta sized normalBits+1 and normalBits.