

This class does bilinear mapping of quadrilateral to a square.


Public Functions

Constructs the transform class from the quadrilateral points in counter clockwise order.

Transforms the point.

Protected Static Functions

Detailed Description

This class does bilinear mapping of quadrilateral to a square.

Protected Attributes

F32 m_fBC 
F32 m_fBD 
F32 m_fCD 
Point2F m_kB 
Point2F m_kC 
Point2F m_kD 
Point2F m_kP00 

Public Functions

BiQuadToSqr(const Point2F & p00, const Point2F & p10, const Point2F & p11, const Point2F & p01)

Constructs the transform class from the quadrilateral points in counter clockwise order.

transform(const Point2F & p)

Transforms the point.

Protected Static Functions

deviation(const Point2F & sp)