Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / BaseMatInstance




Material Hook functions

Protected Attributes


This is set by initialization and used by the deferred.

The array of active material hooks indexed by a MatInstanceHookType.


Should be true if init has been called and it succeeded.


This material makes use of bone transforms.

Public Functions

Adds a shader macro which will be passed to the shader during initialization.

Adds this stateblock to the base state block used during initialization.

Get a MaterialParameters block for this BaseMatInstance, caller is responsible for freeing it.

Returns the active features in use by this material.

Returns the material this instance is based on.

Get the current parameters for this BaseMatInstance (BaseMatInstances are created with a default active MaterialParameters which is managed by BaseMatInstance.

Returns the features that were requested at material creation time which may differ from the active features.

Returns the state hint which can be used for sorting and fast comparisions of the equality of a material instance.


Fast test for use of normal maps in this material.

init(const FeatureSet & features, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat)

Returns true if this MatInstance is built from a CustomMaterial.


Returns true if the material is forward lit and requires a list of lights which affect it when rendering.


Returns true if this material is instanced.


Returns true if init has been successfully called.


Reinitializes the material using the previous initialization parameters.

Sets the vertex and primitive buffers as well as the instancing stream buffer for the current material if the material is instanced.

Sets custom shader data.

Set the current parameters for this BaseMatInstance.

setNodeTransforms(const MatrixF * address, const U32 numTransforms)

Sets node transforms for the current stage. Used for hardware skinning.

This initializes various material scene state settings and should be called after setupPass() within the pass loop.

This is normally called from within setupPass() automatically, so its unnecessary to do so manually unless a texture stage has changed.

This initializes the material transforms and should be called after setupPass() within the pass loop.


Sets up the next rendering pass for this material.

setUserObject(SimObject * userObject)

Sets a SimObject which will passed into ShaderFeature::createConstHandles.


Used to increment the instance buffer for this material.

Updates the state blocks for this material.

Detailed Description

Material Hook functions

addHook(MatInstanceHook * hook)


Helper function for getting a hook.

getHook(const MatInstanceHookType & type)

deleteHook(const MatInstanceHookType & type)


Protected Attributes

MatFeaturesDelegate mFeaturesDelegate 
bool mHasNormalMaps 

This is set by initialization and used by the deferred.

Vector< MatInstanceHook * > mHooks 

The array of active material hooks indexed by a MatInstanceHookType.

bool mIsValid 

Should be true if init has been called and it succeeded.

It is up to the derived class to set this variable appropriately.

bool mUsesHardwareSkinning 

This material makes use of bone transforms.

bool needsHighlighting 

Public Functions


addShaderMacro(const String & name, const String & value)

Adds a shader macro which will be passed to the shader during initialization.


Reimplemented by: MatInstance

addStateBlockDesc(const GFXStateBlockDesc & desc)

Adds this stateblock to the base state block used during initialization.


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Get a MaterialParameters block for this BaseMatInstance, caller is responsible for freeing it.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Returns the active features in use by this material.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance



Returns the material this instance is based on.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

getMaterialParameterHandle(const String & name)

Returns a MaterialParameterHandle for name.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Get the current parameters for this BaseMatInstance (BaseMatInstances are created with a default active MaterialParameters which is managed by BaseMatInstance.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

getPass(U32 pass)

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Returns the features that were requested at material creation time which may differ from the active features.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

getShaderInfo(GuiTreeViewCtrl * tree, U32 item)

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Returns the state hint which can be used for sorting and fast comparisions of the equality of a material instance.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Fast test for use of normal maps in this material.

init(const FeatureSet & features, const GFXVertexFormat * vertexFormat)



The features you want to allow for this material.


The vertex format on which this material will be rendered.

Reimplemented by: LightMatInstance, MatInstance, DeferredMatInstance


Returns true if this MatInstance is built from a CustomMaterial.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Returns true if the material is forward lit and requires a list of lights which affect it when rendering.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Returns true if this material is instanced.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Returns true if init has been successfully called.

It is up to the derived class to set this value properly.



Reinitializes the material using the previous initialization parameters.


Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setBuffers(GFXVertexBufferHandleBase * vertBuffer, GFXPrimitiveBufferHandle * primBuffer)

Sets the vertex and primitive buffers as well as the instancing stream buffer for the current material if the material is instanced.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setCustomShaderData(Vector< CustomShaderBindingData > & shaderData)

Sets custom shader data.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setMaterialParameters(MaterialParameters * param)

Set the current parameters for this BaseMatInstance.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setNodeTransforms(const MatrixF * address, const U32 numTransforms)

Sets node transforms for the current stage. Used for hardware skinning.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setSceneInfo(SceneRenderState * state, const SceneData & sgData)

This initializes various material scene state settings and should be called after setupPass() within the pass loop.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setSelectionHighlighting(bool flag)

setTextureStages(SceneRenderState * , const SceneData & sgData)

This is normally called from within setupPass() automatically, so its unnecessary to do so manually unless a texture stage has changed.

If so it should be called after setupPass() within the pass loop.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setTransforms(const MatrixSet & matrixSet, SceneRenderState * state)

This initializes the material transforms and should be called after setupPass() within the pass loop.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance

setupPass(SceneRenderState * state, const SceneData & sgData)

Sets up the next rendering pass for this material.

It is typically called like so...

while( mat->setupPass( state, sgData ) )

Reimplemented by: MatInstance, LightMatInstance, ShadowMatInstance, ReflectionMatInstance

setUserObject(SimObject * userObject)

Sets a SimObject which will passed into ShaderFeature::createConstHandles.

Normal features do not make use of this, it is for special class specific or user designed features.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Used to increment the instance buffer for this material.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance


Updates the state blocks for this material.

Reimplemented by: MatInstance
