Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / AssetImportConfig



AssetImportConfig is a SimObject derived object intended to act as a container for all the necessary configuration data when running the Asset Importer.


Private Types


Public Attributes

If AlwaysAddImageSuffix is on, this is the suffix to be added

If AlwaysAddMaterialSuffix is on, this is the suffix to be added

If AlwaysAddShapeSuffix is on, this is the suffix to be added


Indicates if the center of the model file should be automatically recentered


Indicates if the floor height of the model file should be automatically zero'd


When importing an image, this indicates if it should automatically add a standard suffix onto the name


When creating a material on import, this indicates if it should automatically add a standard suffix onto the name


When importing a shape, this indicates if it should automatically add a standard suffix onto the name

A list of what mesh objects should be guaranteed to not be imported if found in the model file.

A list of what nodes should be guaranteed to not be imported if found in the model file.

A list of what nodes should be guaranteed to be imported if found in the model file.

A list of what mesh objects should be guaranteed to be imported if found in the model file.

The FPS of the animation sequence

Defines the animation timing for the given animation sequence.

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a ambient occlusion map.


Should the importer automatically prompt to find missing files if they are not detected automatically by the importer


Should the shape loader calculate tangent space values


Indicates if submeshes should be collapsed down into a single main mesh

What prefix is added to the collision geometry generated.


Flag to indicate the shape loader should convert to a left-handed coordinate system


When importing a material, should it automatically attempt to merge Roughness, AO and Metalness maps into a single, composited PBR Configuration map

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a diffuse map.


Indicates if the scale in the model file should be overridden


Indicates if the up axis in the model file should be overridden

Duplicate Asset Auto-Resolution Action.


Should the shape loader automatically look for instanced submeshes in the model file


Should the UV coordinates be flipped

What sort of collision geometry is generated.


Does this configuration generate collision geometry when importing.


Does this configuration generate Line of Sight collision geometry.


Indicates if images imported with this configuration generate a parent material for it as well

What sort of Line of Sight collision geometry is generated.


Should the shape loader auto-generate UV Coordinates for the mesh.

A list of material names that should not be imported.


Indicates if scale of nodes should be ignored


Indicates if images imported with this configuration are compressed

What is the default ImageType images are imported as.


Does this config allow for importing Shape Animations


Does this configuration support importing images.


Does this config allow for importing of materials


Indicates if this config supports importing meshes


Indicates if sounds are imported with this configuration


Should the normals on the model be inverted


Indicates if images imported with this configuration are in an HDR format


Should the shape loader automatically merge identical/duplicate verts


Should the shape loader limit the bone weights

Indicates what LOD mode the model file should utilize to process out LODs.

What prefix is added to the Line of Sight collision geometry generated.

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a metalness map.

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a normal map.

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a ORMConfig map.

Indicates what amount the pitch is adjusted on sounds imported with this configuration


When processing a material asset, should the importer attempt to populate the various material maps on it by looking up common naming conventions for potentially relevent image files e.g.


Indicates if importing should be prevented from completing if any errors are detected at all


Should the shape loader automatically prune redundant/duplicate materials


Should the shape loader reverse the winding order of the mesh's face indicies

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a roughness map.

If overriding, what scale should be used

Indicates what amount of scaling images imported with this configuration use

If separating animations out from a source file, what prefix should be added to the names for grouping association


When importing a shape file, should the animations within be separated out into unique files

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a smoothness map.


Indicates if sounds imported with this configuration are compressed

Indicates what filter mode images imported with this configuration utilizes.


Should the UV coordinates be transformed.

If overriding, what axis should be used as up.


When generating a material off of an importing image, should the importer force appending a diffusemap suffix onto the end to avoid potential naming confusion.


Should the importer try and use existing material assets in the game directory if at all possible.


Indicates if this config should override the per-format sis files with the config's specific settings


Indicates if images imported with this configuration utilize mipmaps

Indicates what amount the volume is adjusted on sounds imported with this configuration


Indicates if warnings should be treated as errors.

Public Functions

Declare Console Object.

loadImportConfig(Settings * configSettings, String configName)

Loads a configuration from a Settings object


Called when the object is added to the sim.

Called when the object is removed from the sim.

Public Static Functions

Detailed Description

AssetImportConfig is a SimObject derived object intended to act as a container for all the necessary configuration data when running the Asset Importer.

It dictates if and how any given asset type will be processed when running an import action. This is because the Asset Importer utilizes a lot of informed logic to try and automate as much of the import process as possible. In theory, you would run the import on a given file, and based on your config the importer will do everything from importing the designated file, as well as finding and importing any associated files such as images or materials, and prepping the objects at time of import to avoid as much manual post-processing as possible.

Private Types

typedef SimObject Parent 

Public Attributes

String AddedImageSuffix 

If AlwaysAddImageSuffix is on, this is the suffix to be added

String AddedMaterialSuffix 

If AlwaysAddMaterialSuffix is on, this is the suffix to be added

String AddedShapeSuffix 

If AlwaysAddShapeSuffix is on, this is the suffix to be added

bool AdjustCenter 

Indicates if the center of the model file should be automatically recentered

bool AdjustFloor 

Indicates if the floor height of the model file should be automatically zero'd

bool AlwaysAddImageSuffix 

When importing an image, this indicates if it should automatically add a standard suffix onto the name

bool AlwaysAddMaterialSuffix 

When creating a material on import, this indicates if it should automatically add a standard suffix onto the name

bool AlwaysAddShapeSuffix 

When importing a shape, this indicates if it should automatically add a standard suffix onto the name

String AlwaysIgnoreMeshes 

A list of what mesh objects should be guaranteed to not be imported if found in the model file.

Separated by either , or ;

String AlwaysIgnoreNodes 

A list of what nodes should be guaranteed to not be imported if found in the model file.

Separated by either , or ;

String AlwaysImportedNodes 

A list of what nodes should be guaranteed to be imported if found in the model file.

Separated by either , or ;

String AlwaysImportMeshes 

A list of what mesh objects should be guaranteed to be imported if found in the model file.

Separated by either , or ;

F32 animFPS 

The FPS of the animation sequence

String animTiming 

Defines the animation timing for the given animation sequence.

Options are FrameTime, Seconds, Milliseconds

String AOTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a ambient occlusion map.

e.g. _ambient or _ao

bool AutomaticallyPromptMissingFiles 

Should the importer automatically prompt to find missing files if they are not detected automatically by the importer

bool calcTangentSpace 

Should the shape loader calculate tangent space values

bool CollapseSubmeshes 

Indicates if submeshes should be collapsed down into a single main mesh

String CollisionMeshPrefix 

What prefix is added to the collision geometry generated.

(Not currently enabled)

bool convertLeftHanded 

Flag to indicate the shape loader should convert to a left-handed coordinate system

bool CreateORMConfig 

When importing a material, should it automatically attempt to merge Roughness, AO and Metalness maps into a single, composited PBR Configuration map

String DiffuseTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a diffuse map.

e.g. _Albedo or _Color

bool DoScaleOverride 

Indicates if the scale in the model file should be overridden

bool DoUpAxisOverride 

Indicates if the up axis in the model file should be overridden

String DuplicatAutoResolution 

Duplicate Asset Auto-Resolution Action.

Options are None, AutoPrune, AutoRename

bool findInstances 

Should the shape loader automatically look for instanced submeshes in the model file

bool flipUVCoords 

Should the UV coordinates be flipped

String GenCollisionType 

What sort of collision geometry is generated.

(Not currently enabled)

bool GenerateCollisions 

Does this configuration generate collision geometry when importing.

(Not currently enabled)

bool GenerateLOSCollisions 

Does this configuration generate Line of Sight collision geometry.

(Not currently enabled)

bool GenerateMaterialOnImport 

Indicates if images imported with this configuration generate a parent material for it as well

String GenLOSCollisionType 

What sort of Line of Sight collision geometry is generated.

(Not currently enabled)

bool genUVCoords 

Should the shape loader auto-generate UV Coordinates for the mesh.

String IgnoreMaterials 

A list of material names that should not be imported.

Separated by either , or ;

bool IgnoreNodeScale 

Indicates if scale of nodes should be ignored

bool ImagesCompressed 

Indicates if images imported with this configuration are compressed

String ImageType 

What is the default ImageType images are imported as.

Options are: N/A, Diffuse, Normal, Metalness, Roughness, AO, ORMConfig, GUI, Cubemap

bool ImportAnimations 

Does this config allow for importing Shape Animations

bool importImages 

Does this configuration support importing images.

bool ImportMaterials 

Does this config allow for importing of materials

bool ImportMesh 

Indicates if this config supports importing meshes

bool importSounds 

Indicates if sounds are imported with this configuration

bool invertNormals 

Should the normals on the model be inverted

bool IsHDR 

Indicates if images imported with this configuration are in an HDR format

bool JoinIdenticalVerts 

Should the shape loader automatically merge identical/duplicate verts

bool limitBoneWeights 

Should the shape loader limit the bone weights

String LODType 

Indicates what LOD mode the model file should utilize to process out LODs.

Options are TrailingNumber, DetectDTS, SingleSize

String LOSCollisionMeshPrefix 

What prefix is added to the Line of Sight collision geometry generated.

(Not currently enabled)

String MetalnessTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a metalness map.

e.g. _Metalness or _Metal

String NormalTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a normal map.

e.g. _Normal or _Norm

String PBRTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a ORMConfig map.

e.g. _Composite or _PBR

F32 PitchAdjust 

Indicates what amount the pitch is adjusted on sounds imported with this configuration

bool PopulateMaterialMaps 

When processing a material asset, should the importer attempt to populate the various material maps on it by looking up common naming conventions for potentially relevent image files e.g.

If MyCoolStuff_Diffuse.png is imported, generating MyCoolStuff material, it would also find MyCoolStuff_Normal and MyCoolStuff_PBR images and map them to the normal and ORMConfig maps respectively automatically

bool PreventImportWithErrors 

Indicates if importing should be prevented from completing if any errors are detected at all

bool removeRedundantMats 

Should the shape loader automatically prune redundant/duplicate materials

bool reverseWindingOrder 

Should the shape loader reverse the winding order of the mesh's face indicies

String RoughnessTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a roughness map.

e.g. _roughness or _rough

F32 ScaleOverride 

If overriding, what scale should be used

F32 Scaling 

Indicates what amount of scaling images imported with this configuration use

String SeparateAnimationPrefix 

If separating animations out from a source file, what prefix should be added to the names for grouping association

bool SeparateAnimations 

When importing a shape file, should the animations within be separated out into unique files

String SmoothnessTypeSuffixes 

What type of suffixes are scanned to detect if an importing image is a smoothness map.

e.g. _smoothness or _smooth

bool SoundsCompressed 

Indicates if sounds imported with this configuration are compressed

String TextureFilteringMode 

Indicates what filter mode images imported with this configuration utilizes.

Options are Linear, Bilinear, Trilinear

bool TransformUVs 

Should the UV coordinates be transformed.

String UpAxisOverride 

If overriding, what axis should be used as up.

Options are X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS

bool UseDiffuseSuffixOnOriginImage 

When generating a material off of an importing image, should the importer force appending a diffusemap suffix onto the end to avoid potential naming confusion.

e.g. MyCoolStuff.png is imported, generating MyCoolStuff material asset and MyCoolStuff_Diffuse image asset

bool UseExistingMaterials 

Should the importer try and use existing material assets in the game directory if at all possible.

(Not currently utilized)

bool UseManualShapeConfigRules 

Indicates if this config should override the per-format sis files with the config's specific settings

bool UseMips 

Indicates if images imported with this configuration utilize mipmaps

F32 VolumeAdjust 

Indicates what amount the volume is adjusted on sounds imported with this configuration

bool WarningsAsErrors 

Indicates if warnings should be treated as errors.

Public Functions



CopyTo(AssetImportConfig * target)


Declare Console Object.

loadImportConfig(Settings * configSettings, String configName)

Loads a configuration from a Settings object



Settings object to load from


name of the configuration setting to load from the setting object

loadSISFile(Torque::Path filePath)


Reimplemented from: SimObject


Reimplemented from: SimObject

Public Static Functions

