Torque3D Documentation / _generateds / AccumulationVolume



A volume in space that blocks visibility.


Public Types

Protected Types

Protected Attributes

Silhouette extractor when using perspective projections.


Whether the volume's transform has changed and we need to recompute transform-based data.

World-space points of the volume's polyhedron.

Public Attributes

Protected Functions

Render a visualization of the volume.

Public Functions

buildSilhouette(const SceneCameraState & cameraState, Vector< Point3F > & outPoints)

Build a world-space silhouette polygon for the object for the given camera settings.

DECLARE_CATEGORY("3D <a href="/coding/class/classscene/">Scene</a>" )
DECLARE_DESCRIPTION("Allows objects in an area <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> have accumulation effect applied." )

Called after any property of the object is changed in the world editor.


Called when the object is added to the sim.

Called when the object is removed from the sim.

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Instructs this object to pack its state for transfer over the network.

Sets the Object -> World transform.

Instructs this object to read state data previously packed with packUpdate.

Public Static Functions

Detailed Description

A volume in space that blocks visibility.

Public Types

typedef ScenePolyhedralSpace Parent 

Protected Types

typedef SilhouetteExtractorPerspective< PolyhedronType > SilhouetteExtractorType 

Protected Attributes

SilhouetteExtractorType mSilhouetteExtractor 

Silhouette extractor when using perspective projections.

String mTextureName 
bool mTransformDirty 

Whether the volume's transform has changed and we need to recompute transform-based data.

Vector< SceneObject * > mVolumeQueryList 
Vector< Point3F > mWSPoints 

World-space points of the volume's polyhedron.

Public Attributes

GFXTexHandle mAccuTexture 

Public Static Attributes

Vector< SimObjectPtr< SceneObject > > smAccuObjects 
Vector< SimObjectPtr< AccumulationVolume > > smAccuVolumes 

Protected Functions

_renderObject(ObjectRenderInst * ri, SceneRenderState * state, BaseMatInstance * overrideMat)

Reimplemented from: ScenePolyhedralObject

Public Functions



buildSilhouette(const SceneCameraState & cameraState, Vector< Point3F > & outPoints)

Reimplemented from: SceneObject

DECLARE_CATEGORY("3D <a href="/coding/class/classscene/">Scene</a>" )

DECLARE_CONOBJECT(AccumulationVolume )

DECLARE_DESCRIPTION("Allows objects in an area <a href="/coding/file/cmdgram_8cpp/#cmdgram_8cpp_1a5bafda9519252aa2d0fd038153f77dca">to</a> have accumulation effect applied." )


Reimplemented from: SceneObject


Reimplemented from: ScenePolyhedralObject


Reimplemented from: SceneSpace

packUpdate(NetConnection * conn, U32 mask, BitStream * stream)

Reimplemented from: ScenePolyhedralObject

setTexture(const String & name)

setTransform(const MatrixF & mat)

Reimplemented from: SceneSpace

unpackUpdate(NetConnection * conn, BitStream * stream)

Reimplemented from: ScenePolyhedralObject

Public Static Functions

_setTexture(void * object, const char * index, const char * data)

addObject(SimObjectPtr< SceneObject > object)




removeObject(SimObjectPtr< SceneObject > object)

updateObject(SceneObject * object)